Ivanka Trump very impressed by African hospitality

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the American president, recently toured Africa during which she visited a few countries in the cradle of humanity. The young woman began her tour of Africa with Ethiopia.
She first went to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia and then to Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire. The young Ivanka did not have a moment of respite during this tour. The fact that seems to have particularly marked Ivanka Trump is the sense of hospitality and the welcome of Africans reserved for foreigners.
On arrival in Addis Ababa, it is rather a smiling young woman that one observes, she seems tired but relaxed. The people were happy to see her, and some took the opportunity to greet her by giving her gifts and performing a few dance steps in her honor.

Another surprising fact is that the young woman with Hollywood-like looks willingly took the business cards that were offered to her, memorized the names, which she repeated several times and seemed very happy with these moments of strong emotions.
Her bodyguard wants to react to keep people at bay, she gives him a hand sign that means everything is fine. “I love this trip, which is already very productive,” Ivanka Trump said.