Rolled up IS-linked terror cell in Morocco

The Moroccan authorities announced the dismantling of a terror cell consisting of six “partisans” of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization. The six men are suspected of wanting to commit “terrorist acts”.
The suspects, between 22 and 28 years old, were arrested in Sale, near the capital Rabat, during an operation carried out by the Central Judicial Investigation Office (BCIJ). Impressed by IS propaganda, they swore allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and attempted to “acquire skills in the production of explosives with the aim of committing terrorist acts,” the press release says. During house searches, “electronic devices, knives and extremist manuscripts” were seized, according to the anti-terror unit BCIJ. The operation comes four months after the murder of two Scandinavian tourists in southern Morocco, which Rabat described as “terrorist”. Twenty-four people were arrested for the murders and their trial will begin on May 2.
Stricter legislation
Claiming a very active policy in the fight against terrorism, the kingdom was previously paralyzed by attacks in Casablanca (33 deaths in 2003) and Marrakech (17 deaths in 2011). The legislation has since become stricter and dozens of terror cells are dismantled every year.