Top 10 interesting facts about time

How often do we realize some surprising facts about time? However, assuming we’re standing up, time passes slower for our feet than for our face. And some people didn’t know that 370 days make up a year during the era of dinosaurs—overview of facts about time.
Time regulates almost every aspect of a person’s life. It is an integral part of the Universe, along with space. Humanity has subjugated many things, but time is beyond the bounds of possibilities. And now, we will analyze the exciting facts about the times and, perhaps, these facts will teach you how to allocate your time correctly.
Ten interesting facts about time
1. Time is relative
Intelligent life originated on planet Earth many thousands of years ago. If you think about it, it was incredibly long ago. But our planet is much older than humanity. It is only 200 thousand years old. And according to scientists, the entire Universe appeared 13.8 billion years ago.
2. It was or was not
There was no time, like space before. It’s hard to imagine and even harder to grasp, but before the Big Bang, which was the beginning of the Universe, nothing existed.
3. Slowdown
Due to the many physical forces that act on our planet from the outside, its rotation speed is constantly decreasing. When dinosaurs walked the Earth, there were as many as 370 days a year. Scientists even suggest that one day it will completely stop its movement in space.
4. Plus one
Due to the constant slowing down of the planet’s rotation, scientifically proven and confirmed, an ordinary inhabitant of the Earth may have some difficulties with time. Therefore, a critical decision was made at the international level. Once a year (either on the last day of June or the last day of December), one second is added to UTC. Thanks to this, there is no difference between the average sunny day and the 24 hours.
5. A look into the past
The speed of light for humans is considered irresistible. But even photons on the scale of space take time to fly from point A to point B. Therefore, when we glance into the sky, we never see the actual position of the planets, stars, and the sun. For example, if you look at the sunrise and notice the first rays of the sun over the horizon, it has already risen 8 minutes and 20 seconds ago. And the light from the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, takes us four years! So if it goes out now, then we will not know about it at all soon.
6. Different worlds
If we imagine that somewhere within our Universe, there are worlds in which intelligent life also flourishes, they will most likely live according to entirely different temporal laws. After all, time is other throughout the galaxy. On Mercury, a day lasts about two Mercury years or 176 Earth days.
7. 7.5 days in the USSR
During Stalin’s rule in the Soviet Union, today’s standards promoted a bizarre draft law. To reduce the influence of religion on ordinary citizens, the government decided to transfer the entire country to a five-day week. But this experiment came to a standstill, as many people did not want to take it all seriously.
8. Cultural differences
Each person perceives time differently. For some, one hour is insanely short. And someone fights for every five free minutes in their day. But scholars have also identified cultural differences. In Western countries, citizens measure their time for 5 minutes, and in the east, where life is not so fast, people use 15 minutes.
9. Doesn’t exist now
The motto of many people in life is the phrase “Live here and now.” But, if you look at this from the side of science, then the concept now does not exist in nature. Time and space are constantly in motion. Like everything that surrounds us, a person also changes every moment. Our senses are not perfect, so we always perceive only that information that a fraction of a second ago has already occurred and is outdated.
10. Oldest things
The oldest thing within our Universe that man could discover is the galaxy. According to scientists, its approximate age is 13.1 billion years. And this is only 700 million less than the age of our entire Universe. And if you take more mundane things, then a 4.4 billion-year-old zircon crystal is considered the oldest object on our planet.