You can always ask these 24 questions during a first date

During a first date, you get to know each other for the first time, and it is so nice to keep the conversation going. We prefer not to talk about small things. In addition to the questions “what do you do for work?” and “do you have any siblings?” there are still plenty of questions to ask on a first date that leads to good conversations.

We have listed twenty-five of them.

These 25 questions to ask on a first date

One has a first date on the terrace; the other will do a fun activity right away. One thing that will always happen is conversations. Whether these are in-depth or not, it’s nice to keep the conversation going and avoid awkward silence. With these 25 questions, you will make your date think about his/her/their answer, and you will have an in-depth conversation in no time.

1. “If you could travel anywhere, where would you go first?”

You won’t expect it, but your date’s answer to this question will tell you a lot. You find out if your date is a real traveller or a hermit.

2. “What is something you still want to learn/do?”

Instead of asking what a person is doing right now, isn’t it much more fun to ask what your first date would like to work on? This can be in the field of character traits, but also the field of hobbies and other interests. Perhaps you can learn a lot from each other.

3. “What’s something I wouldn’t guess about you?”

For a somewhat flirty and mysterious question, this might be the right one. You make your date think, and you might get an unexpected answer. You give your date the space to say a lot about themselves, or very little.

4. “What is your favorite place on Earth?”

As with the first question, you learn a lot about a person based on where they prefer. You get an insight into the lifestyle of that person and where your date prefers to be.

5. “What is your dream job?”

The standard job questions are fun, but it’s much more fun to let your imagination run wild. Also, a nice question to think about yourself.

6. “What is something you are proud of?”

Your first date must be proud of something: maybe they got a raise or volunteered.

7. “If you didn’t have to work to support yourself, how would you have spent your time?”

The answer to this question tells you a lot about how your first date organizes their time and what important values are for this person.

8. “Is there anything you don’t like?”

During a dinner or an afternoon on the terrace, this is a better question than you think. You may learn more about this person’s cultural background and whether they are vegan or vegetarian.

In addition, the answer can also tell you right away whether your date is adventurous or picky.

9. “What do you like most about where you live?”

A good question to see if your answers match and if you have the same ideas about the future.

10. “What did you want to be when you were little?”

Many think it’s too early for a first date to dive straight into the past, but it can’t hurt anything. Chat together about your dreams as a child and how they have turned out now.

11. “How’s your family?”

The answer to this question tells a lot about cultural background, norms and values, and character. One thing is for sure: you have a lot to do with someone who does everything for his/her/their family.

12. “And your friends?”

When you start or want to start a relationship with someone, you should assume that you will also meet his/her/their friends. Plus, talking about others on your first date takes the pressure off a bit.

13. “What is your favorite series or movie?”

What someone finds interesting often also depends on what they like to watch. You are more likely to deal with a serious person if that person likes to watch the news than someone who likes to watch comedy.

14. “If your life were a movie, what character would you play?”

An answer as the main character or side character can already say a lot about the person sitting opposite you.

15. “What is your favorite book?”

You have two different kinds of people: people who read and don’t open a book. Which one do you have in front of you?

16. “If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?”

Find out more about who your date looks up to and how they like to be by asking this question.

17. “Who is the most influential person in your life right now?”

Who does your date care about, and who do they take advice from? You’ll find out by asking this profound question during your first date.

18. “What is a memory you will cherish forever?”

A person has so many memories, but choosing one is and remains difficult. Still, it can be really fun to think about this. You and your date may have a nice conversation about fun things you’ve been through.

19. “Do you still keep in touch with childhood friends?”

By asking this question, you will learn more about your date’s confidence and what they value in life.

20. “If you had a superpower, what would it be?”

Something that is often underestimated is that a person’s imagination can go very far. In addition, someone always has a certain superpower that they would like to have.

You can also learn a lot about how your date reacts to this question: does he/she/them feel uncomfortable, or is your question answered seriously?

21. “What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?”

Questions that someone needs to think about are often the most fun, and this question certainly has you covered. You can use the answer to indicate whether someone is impulsive and spontaneous or rather reserved and shy.

22. “How were you as a kid?”

People change, which makes it extra fun and interesting to look back on childhood. Perhaps your first date as a child was very different or the same.

23. “What gets you hot?”

Hobbies are fun, but you can take it one step further by really asking about your date’s passions. This also allows you to find out whether this person is very emotional and sensitive or not.

24. “What’s the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?”

Throw in a flirty question in between that both of you can relate to.

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