5 health benefits of blueberries you may not have known about

Many people have heard that blueberries are very good for vision and eye health. But the positive effects of the berry on our body do not end there.
Blueberries are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants and are also a great low-calorie snack.
Here are a few more health benefits of blueberries that are worth spoiling yourself with these tasty berries, at least occasionally.
Reduces blood pressure
Regular consumption of blueberries helps to normalize blood pressure. This is especially important for people with hypertension, who are at greater risk of becoming “happy” owners of cardiovascular disease.
A small 2019 study found that drinking 200 grams of blueberries daily (participants added them to a drink) for a month reduced blood pressure by five millimetres Hg.
Normalizes cholesterol levels
Blueberries contain phytosterols, which can help lower LDL – low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) levels. A research review by scientists in Brazil showed that phytosterols help reduce LDL levels in adults by about 8-10%.
Improves insulin sensitivity
People with type 2 diabetes often experience insulin resistance. This problem is usually treated with particular medications, but blueberries can also partially help.
In a 2010 study, researchers found that trial participants who ate blueberries had a 10% improvement in insulin sensitivity. The study was conducted among obese adults without diabetes but with insulin resistance.
Improves cognitive function
If you’ve noticed that you’ve been a little “slow” lately, you’re having trouble remembering and paying attention, start eating blueberries. It helps improve cognitive function.
This happens due to the antioxidants, which are very rich in berries. Blueberries can improve memory even in older adults with early symptoms of degenerative brain diseases (dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.).
Blueberries are prebiotic
Taking prebiotics and probiotics is very important to maintain a healthy gut microflora, on which our immune system strongly depends. Beneficial bacteria in the gut must crowd out any harmful bacteria that could trigger inflammation in the body.