Elderly woman startled at night by giant alligator in kitchen

An elderly woman from the American state of Florida could not believe her eyes when she suddenly found a giant alligator in her kitchen. The three-meter-long beast had managed to crawl through a window at night.
Mary Wischhusen (77) from the city of Clearwater woke up at 3:30 on Friday night with the sound of breaking glass. When she went to investigate, she discovered no burglar, but a huge alligator. The reptile lay on the floor of her kitchen and looked at her “as if it belonged here,” she told CNN.
The elderly woman locked herself in her bedroom to call the emergency number. “I kind of hyperventilated, so I went on the computer and played games to calm down.” Fortunately, the police arrived quickly. After all, the emergency center had already been notified that same alligator that evening after a woman saw the animal on the street. Then it first tried to get into a sewer but eventually crawled towards the house of Wischhusen.
According to police, the animal could penetrate through one of the low windows in the kitchen. The alligator was safely removed by a specialist who found that it was a male alligator of no less than 3.3 meters long. The beast was not injured, but it did knock over a few bottles of red wine, in the elderly woman kitchen, as can be seen in a video on Twitter.