The do’s and don’ts of an open application

Are you looking for your first job or a new step in your career, and do you have a company or organization in mind where you want to work? If no vacancy suits you perfectly, you can also send an open application. How do you handle that?
You do not write a letter specifically for an open vacancy with an open application, but you contact an organization where you would like to work. This is especially useful for companies that often fill open positions internally or where vacancies are only announced via email. Sometimes companies already indicate on the job page of their website that they are open to open applications. Then it is worth it!
Even if it is not explicitly stated, you can surprise a company with an open application. With this, you immediately show that you are assertive and know what you want: qualities that your future employer may be looking for exactly.
It is never really clear from the outside what is going on within an organization. Nevertheless, at every company, something changes in the workforce from time to time. Enough opportunities to get a job through an open application.
How do you approach an open application?
Good preparation is essential. Think about what the company wants to know about you and what you want to say about yourself.
Write down the answers to some questions for yourself, such as: why do I want to work for this organization? What kind of function do I have in mind? Which qualities, skills and work experience add value to the company? Only then do you start working on your open cover letter. And keep in mind the following do’s and don’ts of career platforms.
Do: Write your letter in an appropriate writing style
Every organization has its own work culture. You can partly convey that culture in your cover letter. For example, is it a very creative company? Do not write an overly formal but rather a creative application letter. Show in your letter that you are inventive and original.
Do you have a specific function in mind? Then try to find out what this position is called at the organization where you are applying. An example: one company calls the position office manager, while another organization refers to a secretary.
Don’t: don’t send a too general letter
When submitting an open application, it can be difficult to make your letter specific, especially if you do not know exactly which positions would suit you.
Nevertheless, try to avoid that your letter remains too general. So do not only discuss why you would like to work for an organization, but also, for example, in which department and your qualities.
In addition, it is unwise to send the same open application to multiple organizations. Because: every organization is different and is also looking for different employees.
Do: Find the right contact person
Who do you address your open application to? Once you know this, you can make your application more personal. This increases the chance that your application will be seriously considered. You can often look this up on LinkedIn or the company website. When vacancies are open, a contact person can often be found at the bottom of the vacancy text.
Did you find the right person? In addition to sending your cover letter, you could also contact them by telephone. Perhaps that person can already tell you something about how they deal with unsolicited applications or even about a position that will soon become available that matches your qualities.
Don’t: Don’t be pushy
Recruiters and HR managers have a busy life these days. It is not uncommon to get a hundred responses to a vacancy. Therefore, do not expect to receive a response in the short term. Not every company does anything with open applications, so do not assume that you will receive a response to every open application.
Do you feel that you are a perfect fit for the organization you are applying for? Do not call the day after you have sent your application, but give an organization time to look at everything. A week later, you could email or call as a follow-up.
Open application: Something for you?
Is an open application something for you? Then use the tips above to handle your open application properly. And who knows, you might soon work at the organization where you applied for a position that completely suits you!