Why is feedback at work so important?

Bill Gates said it years ago: “We all need people to give us feedback. That’s how we get better.” You can’t improve if you don’t know what to improve. Unfortunately, not everyone is enthusiastic about the idea that more feedback should be given in the workplace.

We don’t dare to be vulnerable to ask for feedback and to give it is even scarier. A pity because asking and giving can yield us a lot.

Feedback gives direction

Constructive feedback ensures that you know what is going well and what is not going well. Gaining insight into this indicates the direction in which you should continue and where you should stop.

You no longer have to wait for the assessment interview by continuously giving feedback, and you can make timely adjustments if something goes wrong.

You can check at any time whether you are still on track with where you want to go as a team or organization. This ensures that you are much more innovative so that you can grow much faster.

Feedback leads to more engagement

People get a huge boost when they feel that they are seen, heard and appreciated. Recognition and appreciation are even some of the most important life necessities of a human being.

We want to hear how we are doing continuously, and feedback is extremely important. Both constructive criticism and positive feedback.

It can be very difficult to get negative feedback, but knowing the truth will allow you to improve. If we don’t get recognition, we will quickly get tired of our work and look for another job where we do get recognition.

Do you receive feedback from a colleague, manager or external party? This means that the other person is willing to help you further in your growth and development, ultimately ensuring more involvement.

Employees feel that they contribute to the organization’s success and want to get the best out of themselves. That success is enormously contagious and therefore works as a positive snowball effect.

Feedback allows employees to achieve goals faster

Feedback is an important part of staying in line with the objectives. Because you continuously hear what is going well and what is not going well, you know what you should do (or should not do) to achieve your personal goals (faster).

In addition, collaboration between teams improves when continuous feedback is given, so that team goal will ultimately be achieved faster.

Feedback provides a broader self-image

If you think you’re doing something right, but no one ever tells you you’re not doing it right, then you’re not going to change it. By asking for feedback from different angles, you get a broader self-image.

For example, you know where your blind spot is sooner, and by talking about it, you can give it the right attention.

All this promotes professional and personal growth and increases the potential of an employee. And therefore: more talent within your organization!

Request feedback via a feedback app

It is important for any agile organization that this new way of working is supported by a good tool. This is an absolute must, especially for the younger generation. Because they grew up with technology, they know better than anyone how to deal with it. A feedback tool helps you ask the right questions and makes it a lot more accessible.

A tool makes asking for and giving feedback accessible, but it is important to eventually enter into a “live” conversation to further elaborate on the content. Of course, there are plenty of moments where you can give direct face-to-face feedback.

Then it is very nice to put your compliment in an app afterwards so that the other person can read it later. Ultimately, the goal is to work towards an open and positive culture. Technology is only a means to this end.

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