7 things you should not do after divorce/break up

After a separation that we are still hurt, we fall into the biggest mistakes, and we can not move on, leaving behind all the bad moments.

But the more you deal with a relationship that has ended, the more you suffer since your wounds remain open. You can, of course, learn from the mistakes you made in your previous separations and move on.

But what should you not do under any circumstances?

What not to do after a divorce?

Do not try to be friends

Managing to be friends with your ex is very difficult, even impossible. It is not easy to see yourself as if nothing is going on with the person who broke your heart and to know his new relationships.

So take your time to break out so that you can deal with things more calmly. And if you do not feel ready, do not go out with friends you know will be him.

Do not try to take revenge on him

Scratching his car or telling everyone his negatives and what he has done will certainly not help you heal your wounds.

Try to deal with it with maturity, and in the end, remember that only if you forgive him will you be able to move on. Spend your energy only on people who deserve and appreciate it.

Do not send him drunk messages

At that moment you may think that you can handle the situation and that you want to tell him some things, but be sure that as soon as you wake up in the morning and realize what you did, you will hit your head, because in his eyes you will be a desperate woman who is still crazy about him.

Do not look for others

It is too early to start looking and what they say is that love with love passes; believe me, it does not concern the first weeks. It is a classic to go out and drink when we are like that, while at the same time we want other men

to pay attention to us to raise our morale.

But because you are still vulnerable and have not overcome your ex, the various occasional phases will not fill the gap you feel. It is better to clarify what you are feeling and then to continue with someone else so as not to give him false hopes.

Do not go back to other exes

The easy solution to having someone next to you is to think about approaching your ex again, with whom you have a relatively “good” relationship after so long.

But remember that for some reason, you broke up, and you are not with him yet, so do not confuse the situation more by spoiling his own life.

Do not deal with Facebook

We live in a time when social media has entered our lives for good and especially Facebook. That’s why you should try to do two things, firstly not to post bullshit about him and bitter comments and secondly, not to constantly look for his profile.

You will not achieve anything this way, while on the contrary, you will make him feel sorry for your miserable life.

Do not leave yourself

Finally, you do not solve your problems by turning careless and throwing them in food and alcohol. On the contrary, what you can do is focus more on yourself to feel better.

Think about how he will feel if he suddenly sees you in the company and you are more beautiful and glamorous than ever. There he may reconsider what he did, something he will not do if you are worse than ever.

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