How to deal with the fear of the future

Have you heard anything about future shock, which, it turns out, prevents us from living? This is the so-called fear of the future. Many women and men are stressed and disoriented by the latest events in the world. Indeed, so many changes have happened in a short period. We all succumb to a sense of uncertainty, starting to worry about the future.
Every girl wants some miracle to happen, and we could get rid of our worries. But what everyone forgets about is the fundamental and most uncomplicated values that allow you to deal with anxiety better than antidepressants.
What are core values, and how they can help you cope with your fear of the future
To cope with the thoughts tormenting you, you need to perform some actions. This will help remove fears and destroy feelings of uncertainty.
Of course, we have lost the opportunity to travel and travel wherever we please. But this did not take away from us the opportunity to admire the landscape outside the window, snow or the rays of the sun. We can’t have the fun we used to do when we meet up with friends in restaurants, but we can easily keep up a video chat. And if someone wants to show off a new dress, this can be done using social networks.
Do you remember how our ancestors acted when cardinal changes overtook them? If you do the same as they do, then fear for the future will soon disappear.
What do we have to do? The best ways to deal with anxiety and uncertainty
- Do something with your hands. It doesn’t matter: clean up, wash the dishes, water the flowers, walk the dog, paint the walls a different colour. In this way, we are “grounded.”
- Sing songs. This is how our ancestors lived their emotions, getting rid of stress and anxiety.
- Prepare delicious food.
- Drink tea with loved ones.
- To clean the house of unnecessary things that no one has used for a long time.
Remember, home is where you feel safe and relaxed. Start improving your life in the space in which you live. Decorate and enhance the place where you sleep, eat, take a bath and do your daily activities. Maybe your home is missing a nice bedside rug or new bedding? Or perhaps an indoor flower would look great in your living room? Start gradually changing everything that surrounds you, rejoicing in every little thing.
When you learn to appreciate the present, admire every little detail, your brain will also begin to enjoy the little things, gradually distracting from the negativity.
Read an interesting book, listen to relaxing music, prepare a delicious warm dinner for your loved ones who are with you. Play with your cat or dog, light candles, watch a good old movie, and have a mug of hot herbal tea. Even simple physical activity like exercising or washing floors can help you distract yourself from disturbing thoughts.