How we started vs How we ended up: Couples share their stories

Love stories of How we started vs. How we ended up? Then you came to Twitter this weekend in abundance.
For the ‘how we started’ trend, one twitterer after another revealed with photos or screenshots how his or her relationship started and how it is now.
The result? A pack of adorable and often recognizable images and stories. But what we remember most: no matter how uncomfortable those first digital conversations are, there is always hope for a happy ending.
A relationship is a beautiful thing. Everything starts with a seed: a simple ‘hey’, a shy compliment, a fleeting encounter. And a few weeks, months, or years later, that seed grew into a blossoming love story.
The Twitter trend ‘how we started vs. How we ended up’ is an ode to this. The very beginning? Very often, a simple conversation on some digital platform.
But however, short, fleeting, or uncomfortable, these twitterers prove that such a conversation can just as well be the start of a beautiful romance.
Many couples had already met each other in real life. With an online message or two – whether or not flirtatious – they really got the ball rolling.
For couples who had been together for years, scrolling all the way back to the first message was often a daunting task. Then share a cute picture from the old days.
Everyone clearly uses their own flirting tactics. One sprinkles with compliments, the other is nice and sarcastic. Works both, apparently.
Also nice if the internet helps to bridge a distance. She’s on the coast, he’s in Antwerp. Thanks to digital messages, it can turn into something beautiful.
A famous moment to contact? The block apparently. Well, we can’t think of a nicer entertainment than a portion of virtual flirtation.
The lockdown: undoubtedly another fruitful moment.
Remarkable: more often than you think the girl sent first. And be nice and direct? Can she. Say again that men are the more vigorous sex.
This is love in the 2000s too: sometimes all it takes is a funny meme or gif.
And of course, the ‘how we started’ trend is also picked up by jokers. Some singles ended up in the friend zone. Singles who did not receive a message from their idol. Singles who never got an answer on a dating app. Each and every one painfully recognizable.
Educational is also the trend. Lesson number 1: very corny (or creepy) pickup lines don’t work.
And this twitterer is in a steady and very steadfast relationship with De Lijn. Also cute.