Morning love: how to wake up a man in the morning so that he thinks about you till evening

The mood for the whole day depends on how you spend your morning hours. So why not give your man a pleasant surprise right in the morning? This is especially true for those couples who think that romance in their relationship has disappeared somewhere.

How to wake a man in the morning so that he thinks about you until the evening

How to please your lover? Of course, wake him up in some unusual way and give him a good mood for the whole day. Here’s what you can do!

Bring the man breakfast to bed

This is a classic of the genre! At the end, how else to show your loved one that you care about him? Prepare for him some tasty treat early in the morning, be it cheesecakes, pancakes, or any other dish that your partner likes.

True, to organize all this, you have to get up a little earlier. But on the other hand, a man will be pleased: both with delicious smells that will fill the house in the morning and with treats brought directly to bed.

Give him a foot massage

Buy coconut or lavender oil in advance at a drugstore. Warm up the product a little in your hands, and then start massaging your man’s legs while he sleeps.

The massage will boost vivacity for the whole day, which is especially important if he has a difficult day at work.

Prepare your loved one a bath

An excellent way to relieve tension and stress if your man has had any difficulties during the week. It is best to arrange such a surprise closer to the weekend so that your partner can take his time

and appreciate it.

Fill the bath with water, add foam, sea salt, and essential oils and invite your loved one to soak up. You can turn on relaxing music and bring him a cup of refreshing coffee or even champagne!

Give him a hug

This is also best done on the weekend when there is no need to rush somewhere. Wake up your man with hugs and kisses on the cheek or neck. You can lie in bed for a while, have a friendly chat and discuss plans for the day.

Leave a note with warm wishes to your partner

If you leave for work before your man wakes up, leave a note on your pillow for him. It can contain both declarations of love and wishes to have a good day. Well, or both!

Choose clothes for the day for him and leave a note

If your partner is late for work all the time and rushes around the house in search of a clean shirt and a new pair of socks, then perhaps he will be very pleased to see that you have already done everything for him.

A note can accompany the set of clothes you have chosen with the words: “I want you to be in no hurry today!”, “May your day pass easily and carefree!” etc.

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