How male jealousy differs from female jealousy

Every girl at least once faced with an unpleasant feeling called jealousy. Men, of course, are also sometimes jealous of their partners, but this happens to them in a completely different way from women. Today we will talk about how male jealousy manifests itself and how it differs from that experienced by girls.

How men are jealous and how male jealousy differs from female jealousy

Interesting research has been conducted at the International Academy of S*x Research that provides an update on the gender differences in jealousy. And the data obtained are different from those that were relevant ten years ago.

Men are greatly upset by physical betrayal, while the guys do not care about the emotions that the partner is experiencing. But for girls, the emotional component is much more important, and they will worry not only because of physical betrayal but also when a partner has feelings for another lady.

The study participants were asked to imagine that a loved one cheated on them mentally. They were given a choice of two versions of the alleged events. In the first case, it was necessary to imagine that the chosen one has no feelings for another woman, but he still went for treason. In the second case, the partner fell in love with someone but physically remained faithful to the current partner.

The results of this study turned out to be very interesting. Nearly fifty-four percent of men were upset about having s*x with another man without being interested in her feelings. Why does it happen? Scientists say evolution is the cause.

Since the most important task of humankind is procreation, several centuries ago, people needed to provide safety and food for children. By the way, there were no DNA tests at all, so the main factor was the man’s trust in the woman. There was nothing left but to accept the child and consider him as one of our own. Sometimes men doubted that the children were their own, which can justify the fact that even now, physical betrayal is perceived much more painful than emotional. Quite a logical explanation, isn’t it?

Caring for a small child always required an investment of many resources, and men wanted to continue their race and would hardly be happy to learn that they were raising someone else’s child. This is imprinted in the men’s brains, so even now, the information that their beloved is sleeping with some other man causes a storm of indignation. But ordinary falling in love without physical intimacy does not become fraught with the threat of interruption of the family.

Women have always worried that the head of the family, father, and breadwinner will be taken away by another lady. And few people want to raise their children alone. The woman is worried not only about physical betrayal. They are also worried about emotional attachment to someone else because feelings that have arisen in another woman can lead to the breakdown of the family.

This is just a theory explaining how male jealousy differs from female jealousy. Scientists are forced to admit that this is inaccurate information since many other factors and personal qualities also affect the attitude towards cheating. After all, many girls have long since stopped relying on men to fight for gender equality.

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