The sea urchin is dangerous to humans:14 interesting facts about sea urchins

Sea urchins are one of the most beautiful and interesting sea animals. They come in various colors and shades: purples, reds, yellows, greens, purples, and even orange. There are also absolutely fantastic colors. The average sea urchin ranges in size from 3 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The largest known sea urchin species has a diameter of about 36 centimeters. They belong to the order of echinoderms.

Sea urchins are dangerous to humans

flower sea urchin – ©Violet Aquarium

The flower sea hedgehog is especially dangerous for humans. It is usually found in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. The sea hedgehog got this name since its appearance looks like a beautiful flower. Unlike other sea urchins, the flower urchin has short and blunt spines, but this does not make it any less dangerous.

If you ever see a beautiful flower sea hedgehog underwater, you better run! Its poison is deadly and can kill a person. One component of the venom is a substance called Peditoxin, which can cause anaphylactic shock, seizures, and death.

If a person or animal steps on or touches any sea urchin, its thorns can pierce the flesh and, breaking, remain there, infecting and causing severe pain. In most cases, everything works out, but some people are allergic to the components of the poison. This is where things can end, sadly.

Interesting facts about sea urchins

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