What’s wrong with the generation alpha: What they are – the Millennial kids and the Zoomer brothers

Even though the members of the alpha generation have not even started school yet, people are already talking about them as people who will change the future. Children of Millennial parents who gave birth after 2010 are unique and already differentiated from their contemporaries, who were born roughly 20 years ago. They hold different beliefs, have other preferences, and think in different ways. So, how would you describe them? Those individuals will soon be in charge of our world.
A short description of the theory of generations

In the beginning, the peculiarities of the generations are taken into account by marketers to understand the demands and routines of consumers. However, nobody makes an effort to determine the precise boundaries between ages because it is difficult to be specific in a question of this nature. The dividing lines between generations are determined not only by time but also by factors such as geography and historical events in the country, both of which can impact an individual’s personality.
There are several concepts of generations, but the one that William Strauss and Neil Hove developed is currently the most widely accepted. At the turn of the century, scientists from the United States developed it. This idea is predicated on the assumption that a new generation enters the world approximately every 20 years, bringing with it a unique set of experiences, perspectives, and even routines distinct from those held by the generations before it.
The theory discussed, among other things, the three generations that have come before:
- Generation X – 1963-1981;
- Gen Y (Millennials) – 1982-2000;
- Homelanders and centenarians comprise Generation X, which spans 2001 to 2016.
This idea does not have the support of all individuals, particularly those who are unsure about the dates. Despite this, the generation gap theory developed by William Strauss and Neil Howe is the one that is utilized more frequently than any other, and it is worthwhile to take a quick look at the primary distinguishing attributes of each generation.
Generation X
People born during times of significant historical turmoil, such as the Cold War, the Afghan War, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, are referred to as “people born during those times.”. People with the X personality type tend to seek stable ground beneath their feet, pursue higher education, and look for work in their area of expertise.
Generation Y – Millennials
People born between the AIDS crisis and the 9/11 attacks experienced the Internet when it was still in its infancy; as a result, they have mastered new technologies more quickly than previous generations. This generation that saw itself as “not like the rest” was the one that gave rise to a variety of subcultures. Millennials desired to differentiate themselves from the rest of the crowd. This is the first generation that did not prioritize the family’s institution, making child freedom a cultural norm. Their growth was the thing that they placed the utmost importance on.
Zoomers, also known as Generation Z
Zoomers were practically brought into the world already holding smartphones. They live in a drastically different world, one that moves at a much faster pace. Since they have spent their entire lives surrounded by various forms of technology and service, they do not bother their parents with questions regarding “why.” mainly because any answer can be found on Google within 0.35 seconds. For them, there is no such thing as a life that does not involve the Internet.
Who exactly are the generation alphas?

Mark McCrindle, a well-known futurist, is generally recognized as the originator of the term “alpha generation.” There is a method behind the decision to place the letter “as the new generation’s first letter of the Greek alphabet. Because X, Y, and Z are the very last letters of the alphabet, a new symbol was required for the generation that would be born entirely in the 21st century. Alphas are the descendants of our current rethinking age, which centers its attention on traditional meanings.
The alphas are the millennials’ children and the zoomers’ younger sisters and brothers. By the year 2025, this current generation will have surpassed all others in the pages of the history of human history. It is anticipated that there will be 2 billion of them when that time comes. The first signs of Alpha started to appear in 2010, the same year that “app” was selected as the year’s word. Even at this early stage, it is possible to forecast that the current generation will be light-years ahead of its predecessors regarding technological advancement. These children have been profoundly shaped by their exposure to the digital world. It is exciting that they are beginning to incorporate technology into every aspect of their lives; however, this development is not without its drawbacks.
In the first place, alphas are renowned for their predictable thought patterns. They cannot take in large amounts of detailed information all at once, they cannot deal with a long read, and they would rather watch a lengthy video than reels or tiktoks. Clip thinking is what has already been criticized by zoomers, and alphas take it to an even higher level; however, there is a bright side to this phenomenon. This generation excels at multitasking and has quick reactions.
Having been digital since childhood

Today’s children are the most financially secure generation, and preliminary projections suggest they will likely have the longest lifespans of any generation. And while millennials and zoomers have been chastised for not being independent and living with their parents for extended periods, this will be the norm for alphas. This is in contrast to millennials and zoomers, who have been subjected to criticism for not being self-sufficient. The alphas will have millennial role models behind them, for whom the concepts of self-improvement and mental health are not just empty words. They will continue to grow and learn for a more extended period, live their lives for their pleasure, and consider earning money many years later.
Alpha kids have been raised with a device in their hands from the moment they were born. For them, a tablet or smartphone screen functions similarly to a TV, books, and toys. And this development pattern affects the young man during the formative years of his life, which are among the most crucial. Naturally, the era of the digital world leaves its mark on everyone, but it is one thing to be a part of it as an adult and something entirely different to have been at the center of it since you were in diapers.
The Alphas are a part of the new world; as such, they are as natural to it as fish to water. Even at this point, you can see that the baby is not yet able to speak, but they already use the phone like an advanced user, on an intuitive level, finding everything that you require.
But some neuropsychologists disagree with the idea that this is a good thing. Many believe that children who are overly attached to electronic devices cannot think creatively. Because any application, such as a digital sketchbook, is a program that operates in stringent accordance with an algorithm, this is why. If a child wants to draw something that isn’t typical, he won’t be able to do it because the program won’t let him.
Because the Alphas operate within the confines of some form of instruction, there is a possibility that they will be unable to think more comprehensively. Nevertheless, given that programming is typically introduced to children as young as kindergarten, what stops them from simply developing their application?
Influencing the market from the beginning
Children who, at this point in their lives, do not have significant obligations and are free to enjoy life without focusing too much on the future are members of Generation Alpha. Without social networks, a modern child can’t live their life, and this is for more reasons than just communication. Despite their young age, the Alphas are being referred to as new consumers who are impacting pop culture due to the new tastes they have developed.
The characteristics of today’s Alphas provide a glimpse into what the world will be like.
Free and without any restrictions

It is important to keep in mind that millennials are the ones responsible for the upbringing of alphas. These individuals place a high value on personal growth and spend a significant amount of time trying to figure out who they are. Because of this, they raise their children in a more environmentally conscious manner. In the past, a child had no choice as to where to go after finishing school; either a university or the nearest technical school was the only option. The outcome was that everyone around them possessed a degree, but very few people were working in the specialized field they were in.
According to their perspective, higher education’s upper crust doesn’t mean all that much to alphas. Because of how quickly the world is changing, it would be unwise to specialize your education in just one sector. Because of this, it does not make sense for alphas to spend 5 or even 7 years in college, as the world will have had time to change during this time, and the knowledge will no longer be relevant.
But the realities of today’s world won’t let alphas remain entirely oblivious. There is an overwhelming variety of educational opportunities, including group and individual classes, training programs, and courses, both online and off. And perhaps most importantly, caring parents will back their children in whatever endeavors they pursue, emotionally and monetarily, providing support in both areas. After all, the father of Millennial children recalls how his parents insisted that he pursue a career in economics, even though he was more interested in getting tattoos.
High levels of both emotional and other types of social intelligence
Many people will find it hard to believe that children who have spent their entire lives online will become sensitive and emotionally intelligent adults. However, they are. The development of digital technology does not in the least bit hinder the ability to build social communication; in fact, it is even helped by it. It is much simpler for Alphas to find a common language with people they have never met before and to develop their soft skills from a young age. However, the process of socialization that they go through is somewhat distinct in that what matters most to them is not how emotionally attached they are to a particular group but rather the degree to which the values and beliefs of that group are consistent with their own.
The pandemic has affected alphas’ ability to communicate is not an unimportant development. Even though it was a trying time for them, it helped the younger generation become more resilient due to their exposure to it. There is a good chance that the experienced emotions will be beneficial, and life’s challenges will not appear as much of a tragedy to the alphas as they do to the Millenials.
Even though Alphas are still in their early stages of development, several characteristics that will be characteristic of them in the future can already be recognized. These people will do away with categories such as race and nationality, gender, and s*x; cultural diversity and diversity, in general, will become the norm for them. The next generation will set a new standard for tolerance and impartiality in the world.