Why is it better to marry an older man

No one is surprised by the age difference between partners. Often you will meet a couple in which a man is ten or even twenty years older than his beloved. Why be surprised? In our patriarchal society, the husband is considered a breadwinner, and the wife is labeled as the keeper of the hearth, the creator of comfort, and, of course, the one who will spend the man’s money.

But in a marriage, where a guy and a girl are of the same age, both most often have to work. A representative of the fair s3x will not get off with one warmth and comfort. Therefore, nothing is surprising that young ladies willingly marry men with whom they have a rather big age difference.

What are the benefits of marrying an older man?


Suppose a girl has to start everything literally from scratch and get on her feet together with a young guy. In that case, an older man usually already has an apartment, a car, and, perhaps, even his own business, coupled with a bank account.

There is no need to rent an apartment, take out a mortgage, and solve many small everyday problems with such a chosen one. A young wife is much more comfortable and easier to live with an accomplished man.


Whatever one may say, but for any girl, it is essential what her chosen one does. And, no matter how mercantile it may sound, she needs both status and material benefits that she can receive in marriage.

When a man is much older than a woman, he most likely already has a certain position in society and status. When ladies choose a husband, they rarely pay attention to a janitor or a courier who has never achieved anything in life.

But businessmen, designers, and other successful men are attractive “prey” for the weaker sex.

Caring and love

Whatever one may say, but mature men already know what girls need. They know how to take care of, love the chosen one and look after her beautifully. With older men, women get whatever they want. And it’s not just about travel, expensive branded items, cars, and jewelry. Mature men are ready to help their wives in everything, and they even enjoy it.

Such benefits are usually received by purposeful girls who marry not for love but for calculation. It is they who often choose older men as life companions.


For some reason, girls who marry their peers often complain that they do not understand them at all. Quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided, at least at first. The fact is that young people who decide to marry at a young age are most often selfish and try to fight with girls for the leader and head of the family. However, the fair s3x often pulls the blanket over themselves.

This cannot happen in a marriage with an older man. Usually, the roles in the family have already been assigned, and both partners discuss all the nuances before they put a stamp on the passport.

Do not forget that a spouse older than his beloved can forgive her a lot and close his eyes to a lot. He is condescending to her emotionality and to the mistakes she makes. The husband is always one step ahead and uses his life wisdom to avoid quarrels and scandals.


A girl only feels safe when the man is ready to take responsibility for the family. If a lady does not need to think every day about the lack of money, the missing products in the house, and the next instalment for the mortgage, she can relax, take care of herself, and realize her potential. She can choose an occupation to her liking and not go every day to an unloved job.

A man who is older than his wife understands perfectly well that his chosen one needs a family. He will not delay the birth of a child, unlike guys who ask their wives to wait with the baby until they both get on their feet.

Why do girls choose older partners?

Let’s not argue that most relationships with men who are older than girls are based on a banal calculation. But every woman has the right to choose herself with whom and how to live. It should not be ruled out that strong and sincere feelings can arise between partners. Why not, in this case, marry a loved one, and besides, an accomplished man? Certain commercialism in relations will appear over time, but, you must admit, it would be foolish not to use all the benefits that a husband can give his wife.

It often happens that the basis for marriage with older men is the girl’s unhealthy relationship with her parents. Perhaps there was no father at all in her life, or she did not communicate with him. The dad’s lack of attention can also cause the girl to unconsciously look for a life partner who will love her and take care of her.

Many women who choose a partner older than themselves manage to build strong and harmonious relationships with him, especially if they had to marry a peer unsuccessfully.

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