Job interview:10 psychological tricks to get the job you want

Some have already lived the experience of the job interview and those who, sooner or later, will have to live it. The fact remains that there are few moments as stressful as those that can be experienced during this type of meeting because it represents the culmination of our job expectations.

An emotional tension added to the anxiety of making a behaviour mistake and the fear of saying the wrong things. The only remedy to prevent the excess of insecurity from which our fears derive is to arrive at the interview prepared. Sometimes, it is not enough to present a solid curriculum or have excellent professional references.

There are some simple tricks to take into consideration to enhance the best of ourselves.

10 psychological tricks to ace job your dream job

The time and order of the interview is important

This first piece of advice should be considered even if it is challenging to be able to choose the time and order of your interview. If we could decide, the best time is Tuesday morning at 10.30, not too early or late in the day, and placement within the week.

In general, the ideal would be to show up in front of the recruiter at least one day later than the strongest candidates.

Look the recruiter in the eye from the start

Looking your interlocutor in the eye is a good rule during a romantic date and at a job interview. As soon as you know the recruiter and for the rest of the meeting, it is necessary to establish direct eye contact through your gaze in a natural way and without seeming disturbing. Experts say that the recruiter will feel like a smarter person is in front of him.

Choose the colour of the clothes according to the feeling you want to convey

Much has been said about how to dress for job interviews. Still, in this case, we are talking about colours and not clothing: blue expresses competitiveness, black leadership, grey analysis and reasoning, white organization, red power and brown confidence.

Know the age of your recruiter

It isn’t easy to know in advance the age of your recruiter. Still, it is possible to arrive prepared by knowing the different generational approaches to an interview of this kind.

If the recruiter is between 20 and 30 years old, you need to know how to use multimedia visual aids well and emphasize your multitasking skills; if he is between 30 and 50 years old, it is better to highlight our creativity and ability to moderate conflicts; if he is between 50 and 70 years old, the willingness to sacrifice and respect for the bosses must be emphasized and, finally, if he is over 70 years old, we must emphasize our loyalty and desire to commit ourselves at work.

Position your hands to create a relationship of trust with the interlocutor

As for body language, some recommend taking inspiration from the recruiter’s and paying attention to the use of your hands.

Showing your palms and joining the fingertips of one hand with those of the other is a gesture that creates trust. However, it would help if you never left your hands out of sight of the breeder.

Find a topic for an informal chat

It’s not just the job interview that matters, but the informal chat that precedes it as well. Experts recommend avoiding clichés, such as the weather, finding common ground, perhaps after looking at your recruiter’s social media, and talking about a corporate culture by taking a cue from details in the office, such as events or notes of previous meetings.

Speak and express yourself without being in a hurry

We have emphasized the importance of body language, but it should not be forgotten that verbal language is just as essential, if not more so. The nervous tension, at times, makes us express using a monotonous tone of voice.

It is always a good idea, before the interview, to exercise to learn to speak calmly, slow down the pace and give more expression to our words.

Make appreciation

Another thing that recruiters like is finding themselves conversing with a sociable person and at the same time assertive. An interesting piece of advice, even if it seems a bit trivial, is to make some compliments or enthusiastic comments on the company’s work, on the people we could collaborate with or on our desire to work in that place.

Ask why they thought about us

Another helpful trick in convincing the recruiter is to ask why they thought of us as a candidate for the job. Don’t be afraid to look frivolous because you are drawing attention to yourself and stimulating him to remember the strengths identified in your profile.

Send a thank-you email after the interview

Another increasingly common recommendation among personnel management specialists is to send a thank you email after the interview. Some think it may be a demonstration of insecurity, but in reality, it is a tribute to the attention received by the recruiter and helps to make our presence felt before his final choice.

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