These 5 false beliefs about negotiation cost you money

Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about negotiation. By believing this, you will miss out on a lot of money. For example, because you do not dare to negotiate or because you approach the negotiation incorrectly.

In this article, we share the truth about these common myths.

Negotiating false beliefs

These beliefs get in the way of many people. You too?

Happiness at work is more important than the amount of your salary

Many people find it uncomfortable to negotiate because of limiting beliefs. For example, it shouldn’t be about money if you like the work or aren’t a team player if you ask more for yourself. We could go on like this for a while.

Happiness at work is certainly important, but that doesn’t pay the bills, of course. Moreover, you should be rewarded for your achievements, skills, and expertise, even if you are passionate about the work.

Do you catch yourself having such a limiting thought? Then try to remind yourself that a company expects you to negotiate. Yes, even if they pretend they don’t.

You can’t negotiate because of salary scales

Many employers determine salaries based on salary scales and steps. You may have tried to negotiate your salary incre ase but were told you couldn’t because of these salary ranges.

This can make it feel like it is not possible to earn more at all. But that’s not quite true. Firstly, it is wise to research which activities belong to different salary scales.

In such a case, you often see that employees perform work from higher scales to deserve a salary increase. In addition, you can also negotiate other terms and conditions of employment if the salary is non-negotiable.

You are powerless against the company because you want to (keep) the job

During a negotiation, it can feel like the company has all the power, but if all goes well, the company wants you just as much as you want to (continue to) work there. It is certainly true that companies are negotiation experts. In big companies, you sometimes get people in front of you whose job is literally to negotiate the best deal.

Know that you don’t have to do it alone and that it’s totally okay to ask for help. For example, to a mentor, your manager, or a negotiation coach. If you find that a step too far, you can, for example, follow a masterclass on negotiation.

If you’re comfortable with it, it can even help to talk to your close colleagues about how much you earn. Some colleagues are better at negotiating and can give tips about this. For example, when you hear that a colleague earns more than you, that can be an extra motivation to enter into the negotiation this time.

You have to be tough in a negotiation

You may think that negotiating is not for you because you are not hard enough and way too sweet for it. But the truth is that you can negotiate better if the other party finds you sympathetic.

Contrary to popular belief, negotiation is not about ‘winning’ and ‘losing’. You want to keep the relationship. Good negotiation is a win-win situation, where everyone leaves the room happy.

You have to give as many reasons as possible for that higher salary

The more reasons you give to justify that higher salary, the greater the chance that one of these reasons will be undermined. Research shows that successful negotiators, therefore, give far fewer reasons than others.

They focus on one or a few strong arguments (with hard facts like numbers to back them up) and stick to them.

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