7 best foods for heart health

Strengthen health; you can use the diet of the cardiovascular system. Certain foods are essential for normal cardio function. For example, if you regularly consume tomatoes, garlic, berries, and other foods, it will support your cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the world. Diet can affect heart health. For example, it’s important to avoid refined carbohydrates, sugar, fructose sweeteners. What foods are good for heart function?

It is helpful to include these 7 foods in your food protocol


The introduction of garlic into the diet is an excellent option for the prevention of cardiovascular ailments. Garlic has been shown to decrease the risk of the following cardio problems: blood pressure, lipid levels, and blood glucose levels.

In addition, eating garlic is beneficial in reducing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein ( LDL ), a leading cause of heart disease.


Fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel) contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that positively affect heart function. And eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in seafood can help reduce inflammation and lower triglycerides.

It is beneficial to consume at least two servings of omega-3-rich foods per week.


The soluble gum in flax seeds works in regulating cholesterol levels. In addition, the seeds are rich in fibre, omega-3s, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to help reduce arterial inflammation.

These tiny powerhouses are loaded with phytoestrogens to reduce the likelihood of cardio ailments.

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is good for heart health. Its cardioprotective effect is due to bioactive substances and carotenoids (beta-carotene) in this oil. These antioxidants reduce inflammation that threatens the development of cardiac pathologies.

A high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids combined with tocopherols and polyphenols is essential for vascular and arterial health. Monounsaturated fatty acids give a decrease in triglycerides, and antioxidants reduce the load on the arteries, providing them with the necessary compounds.


Berries contain a high percentage of polyphenols, nutrients and fibre, reducing the likelihood of cardiac pathologies. In addition, adding berries to the diet will reduce LDL oxidation and strengthen the antioxidant properties of plasma – two factors in reducing the risk of cardiac ailments.

Blueberries contain a high concentration of polyphenols, which have an antioxidant effect. This enhances the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Polyphenols and essential fatty acids in raspberry seeds also have protective properties.


Nitrates in spinach improve endothelial function and lower blood pressure.


Tomatoes improve markers of heart disease (this concerns endothelial function, blood lipids and blood pressure).

Lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, reduces the risk of stroke by up to 26%.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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