Body dysmorphia: 4 signs you have a distorted self-image and how to fix it

Our self-esteem and confidence are directly correlated to how other people view us. If self-image is distorted, they could be negatively affected. This can be said about our outward look and how we assess our personality, abilities, and beliefs.

4 signs you have a distorted self-image

Body dysmorphia: 4 signs you have a distorted self-image and how to fix it

1. You spend a lot of your time working on improving some aspects of yourself

A distorted image of ourselves can lead us to concentrate on our flaws and make fruitless efforts to improve in those areas. In addition, it does not necessarily healthily present itself.

For instance, if we don’t like our physical shape, we try to maintain an active lifestyle and eat in a way that is more nutritionally sound. However, having a distorted image of who we are can lead to unhealthy behaviours such as continual calorie counting, strict food restrictions, excessive exercise, and stress on the body.

This pathological preoccupation with physical fitness frequently results in eating disorders. People who have them often stop giving adequate consideration to how they appear to others on the outside. For instance, even after reaching their goal weight of 50 kilograms (110 pounds), they continue to work out and eat healthier because they believe they are still obese.

If we have a distorted image of our face and body, we are more likely to spend hours perfecting our grooming routine and engaging in various cosmetic operations. To improve their appearance, some people turn to cosmetic surgery. Nevertheless, due to the distorted image, they cannot stop in time, which develops into an addiction.

If the things you do for yourself don’t make you happy but rather make you feel down, even though they are producing apparent benefits, this could indicate that you have a distorted image of who you are. Additionally, if you spend excessive time on it at the price of engaging in other productive and significant tasks.

2. You have a critical attitude towards yourself

You may have poor self-esteem and a distorted image of yourself if, when you look in the mirror, the first thing that comes to mind is how you could improve.

It is quite acceptable to notice a few problems, but at the same time, you must not lose sight of the available benefits. When you have a distorted image of yourself, the negative aspects of who you are either win out over or completely obscure the fact that you have some attractive qualities.

3. Your self-esteem is directly proportional to your physical appearance

Even a distorted self-image can make us feel good about ourselves when we have a favorable opinion. On the other hand, if there is some aspect of ourselves that does not make us feel good, we experience feelings of insecurity and depression.

Just because it’s not your day does not mean you have to stop liking and respecting yourself; this is a sign of a good relationship with yourself.

4. You are embarrassed by certain aspects of your personality

Some people never smile because they are humiliated by the fact that their teeth are not completely straight. Because of this, they avoid showing their teeth in photographs. Despite the fact that their interlocutors do not consider it to be a flaw, or they do not even recognize that it exists.

A distorted image of oneself is frequently linked to feelings of shame. We feel it is due to characteristics of our appearance, behaviour, or lack of talents that we regard as particularly positive and important. This causes us to experience feelings of insecurity.

How to fix your distorted self-image

Body dysmorphia: 4 signs you have a distorted self-image and how to fix it

It is important to approach the problem from every angle to regain a positive image of themselves. Concentrating on improving one’s self-esteem and changing certain thoughts and attitudes is essential. The following are some approaches that will be of help in this initiative

1. Put an end to comparing yourself to other people

Comparisons are not helpful and make one’s distorted image of themselves more severe. You should focus more on the positive features of your looks and character traits rather than dwelling on the negative ones, and you should try to accept both your strengths and flaws

2. Take small steps

Your self-image, which can sometimes take years to cultivate, is not something that can be changed in an instant. On the other hand, you can deal with it by taking small steps every day. For instance, you could decide to make it a daily goal to pay yourself a compliment while looking in the mirror.

3. Put an end to your self-criticism

It is important to learn how to silence your inner critic, even though it will be difficult at first. If you don’t correct your flawed reasoning, it will continue to hold you back.

4. Stop looking for flaws and start being yourself

In pursuing goals that reflect a distorted image of who we are, we might think about the potential drawbacks of being oneself in each given circumstance. We consider it necessary to present ourselves as more capable than we are. This idea is typically connected to a fear of being judged, a lack of self-esteem or a strong want to be liked by others.

However, if we attempt to be perfectionists in every aspect of our lives, we will only experience frustration and insecurity. There is no benefit to be gained through pretending to be someone else to acquire ghostly benefits. But there are benefits to staying true to who you are, such as developing a feeling of self-worth that is not dependent on external factors.

5. Acquire the skill of valuing yourself

Spend some time contemplating the qualities that set you apart from other people. And also about the fact that your value does not depend on your personality or your outward look. By the way, we spent a lot of time discussing other topics that are irrelevant to this discussion.

6. Develop a close relationship with yourself

Consider how you interact with your closest friend. In trying circumstances, you stand by her side and do not pass judgment. You don’t condemn her for being who she is, do you? In addition, it is highly doubtful that you will comment on her personality or physical beauty each time you encounter her.

It will help if you become your own true friend to correct the distorted image. And have the same conversation with yourself that you have with her.

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