Five best immunity boosters

As sad as it is, there is still no miracle pill that can instantly strengthen the immune system so that it can withstand all threats. However, there are several effective ways to support the immune system and strengthen the body’s defences in the long run.

These immunity boosters are familiar to many, but not everyone uses them, even when the opportunity arises.

1. Reduced  Stress

Short-term stress is not bad, and in some situations, it’s even beneficial. But chronic stress seriously undermines the immune system. Stress hormones constantly circulating in the body make the immune system sluggish, so when it is faced with difficulties, it no longer works to its full potential.

 If you are under constant stress, make every effort to change that: don’t overwork, spend time alone with yourself, do breathing exercises, find reasons to laugh, go to psychotherapy, etc.

2. Healthy diet

Fatty and sugary processed foods are pretty tasty but, alas, not healthy at all. Frequent consumption of such foods deprives the body of essential nutrients and antioxidants, causes inflammation, increases the risk of developing chronic diseases, and impairs the quality of gut microflora. Our immune system is highly dependent.

So if you want to keep your immune system in check, eat whole, unprocessed foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, fish, nuts, etc.) more often and eat less fast food, processed foods, and candy.

3. Physical activity

Physical activity is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system: it relieves stress, builds stamina, strengthens your cardiovascular system and lungs, and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The main thing is to exercise regularly for at least 20-30 minutes a day. It is equally important that exercise brings pleasure, so if you do not like going to the gym, try to find a sport to your liking: dancing, swimming, running, etc.

4. Sleep

Of course, a person can function more or less generally with a lack of sleep. But only if the lack of sleep is one-time, not daily. Lack of sleep is a great stress to the body, and stress is not a good friend to the immune system.

 That is why quality and long night’s rest are so important: children need to sleep 10-12 hours, and adults 6-8 hours, depending on individual characteristics.

5. Limit alcohol consumption and stop smoking

A strong immune system and alcohol abuse are virtually incompatible. The same applies to smoking. Giving up bad habits is the best way to help the body’s defences.

 But if you don’t want to give up alcohol and smoking completely, at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day and the number of pints of beer you drink per week. Your immune system will thank you for that.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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