What kind of man can’t you create a happy family with?

How to understand at the beginning of a relationship that you cannot build a happy family with a man? Take a close look at your man because his negative features can be noticed already in the first months of an acquaintance.

9 signs of a man can’t you create a happy family with

Here’s what to look out for!

Signs of a frivolous romantic or swindler

If almost on the first day of dating, a man swears to you in love or offers to marry him, this is not only romantic but also strange, if you think about it! Such behaviour is characteristic of a swindler who sensed a tasty “prey” or an immature, infantile person.

Signs of alcoholism (or any other addiction)

This is not about moderate drinking but alcohol dependence with all the ensuing consequences. You can never build a happy family with someone who uses drugs, drinks, or cheats at the casino.

And even if a man promises to quit a bad habit for you, then because of you, he will return to it (if any conflict or misunderstanding arises).

Signs of a chronic loser

Of course, words like “Only you alone understand me” win over the weaker sex. But take a closer look at a man: how often does he complain about poor bosses, lack of money, and life in general? If your chosen one constantly recalls how his parents, friends, or ex-wife offended him, posing as a victim, then you need to run from him wherever you look.

It is immediately worthwhile to understand that this is just his position in life. A man does nothing to change the situation as a loser but constantly finds those responsible for his failure.

Signs of a misogynist

One has only to listen to what exactly the man says about his ex-wives or girlfriends. If he speaks negatively about all the ladies with whom he had relationships, this is a bad sign. You can conclude how he relates to the weaker s3x in general.

Remember that you will not avoid a similar fate in the event of a breakup. A person who does not respect women at all will not make you happy, even if in the first months of acquaintance he assures you that you are “not like everyone else.” Everything that you have heard from him about the former will one day affect you.

Signs of a boor

A person who does not respect the opinions of others, their interests, or the personal space of loved ones can never make you happy. A boor man will one day get to the point where he starts using force against a woman.

By the way, during the courtship period, he may seem very intelligent, attentive, and gallant concerning the chosen one, but know that he is pretending.

How to understand that you are a boor? Even if a man is very gentle with you, observe how he treats others, friends, and family. With them, he will not pretend.

Signs of a house tyrant

Such a man all the time leads long and tedious conversations on the topic “What should a woman?” He will overwhelm you with demands for an ideal wife, not hesitating to say that he needs a cook, a hostess, a caring daughter-in-law, a friend, and a mistress in one person, who, at the same time, should still earn good money and not demand anything from her husband.

By the way, the guy himself is unlikely to do everything that a man “should” do.

Signs of a home tyrant are total control over you, which he skillfully disguises as care. But constant unreasonable jealousy, dozens of calls asking where you are and with whom, various prohibitions, and aggression hint that you have contacted a tyrant.

Signs of an eternal bachelor

Such men are always in the spotlight. They are attractive and eloquent and usually have a great sense of humour. Eternal bachelors are always ready to go to the club with friends and know hundreds of options for a great pastime.

But the study, work, career growth, and creating a family are not of interest to them.

Even if you marry such a man, he will crave meetings with friends, entertainment, and parties. You may want to have fun with him, but one day it will surely get boring. And if there are children? Think before you mess with the eternal bachelor.

Signs of a womanizer

The womanizer needs victories, not relationships. Even taking some girl as his wife, he is unlikely to stop, and she will have to endure endless betrayal.

Perhaps he can even fall in love, but everything will collapse when a man meets another pretty woman.

Signs of a jealous person

Recognizing a jealous person is as easy as shelling pears! But the problem is that women are flattered by the increased attention from the chosen one. They do not understand what pathological jealousy can lead to. Such men often have many complexes and are not self-confident.

But the worst thing is that young people do not respect women because such an attitude towards their beloved only says that there is no trust in the relationship.

It means that he is sure that she cannot be faithful to him. Do not forget that there is no way to build a happy relationship without trust, so you should not connect your life with a jealous person!

Now you know how to recognize a man with whom you cannot create a happy family! Be very careful in the first days and months of your dating. A person cannot pretend for a long time who he is not, so you will very soon be able to understand what kind of guy is in front of you.

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