7 small habits in your morning routine that will improve your life

Be honest: do you start your morning being happy, energetic, and productive? Or are you unable to get out of bed and rushing to work? It is not for nothing that many successful people have a complete morning routine. How you start the morning immediately sets the tone for the rest of the day.

These little habits will help you start the day energized and productive. You will quickly notice how much of an effect this has on the rest of your life.

Habits for your morning routine

And best of all, all these little habits put together won’t take you more than a few minutes!

Make your bed

It may be the last thing on your mind when you wake up, but making your bed is a good idea for many reasons. First of all, because with this it is clear to yourself that the day has started. In addition, you will go to bed much more relaxed.

It is also the tip to become more productive. That is because you have already checked off a task immediately after getting up. It feels so good that you are more motivated to tackle the rest of your to-do list as well.

Breathe consciously

It seems like everyone and their mother meditate these days, and it may well not be for you. Rest assured, we will not force you to meditate.

But taking a consciously deep breath in and out during your morning routine will help you feel less overwhelmed. It ensures that you can trade anything that comes your way today.

Say no to your phone

75 percent of people up to 35 pick up their phone as soon as they wake up. And that while it has a negative effect on you. Because of all the messages, your stress levels (unconsciously) increase.

When you wake up, your mental, emotional and physical energy is at its peak. Do you want to spend that time

scrolling Instagram?

Smile at yourself in the mirror

Yep, we’ve just said that. It sounds very uncomfortable, and it certainly will be the first few times, but research has shown that laughter is contagious even when it comes to your smile! This way, you positively start every day.

Take care of your body during your morning routine

Chances are, your body will feel a little stiff and dehydrated after a night of sleep. So drink a big glass of water and do a few stretches: your body will thank you.

You don’t have to do a whole yoga session. Five minutes of stretching and exercising already works wonders.

Be thankful for what you have

During your morning routine, write down three things you are looking forward to today or three things you are grateful for. Bet you start the day with a good feeling? We don’t say that lightly: several studies have shown how powerful being grateful is. Heart patients recovered faster if they kept a gratitude journal.

Make your to-do list the day before

Okay, this isn’t quite part of your morning routine, but it will help you a lot in the morning. Think about what you want to do tomorrow when you get up. Is that going to work right away? Or do you want to exercise first? Taking a morning walk? You make it a lot easier for yourself if you prepare for the morning, for example, by preparing your sportswear in advance.

It is also useful to make your to-do list in advance. You can do this in the evening or right after you finish work. As a result, you don’t have to think about what you have to work on tomorrow, but you can immediately shoot from the starting blocks.

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