Common mistakes women make in relationships

Do you know what is the biggest problem in a relationship? Inability or unwillingness to communicate with a loved one. Yes! it is one of the most common mistakes ladies make in a relationship.

If a woman cannot usually discuss the current problem with a man, a distance will appear between the partners sooner or later, destroying the joint future. Experts believe that these are the factors that can turn off a man!

8 common mistakes women make in relationships

You constantly scream

Think about it, is it okay for you to raise your voice? If shouting is the norm for partners, there can be no question of healthy communication between them!

Rudeness, a harsh and rude tone and raising one’s voice to a loved one can only lead to the fact that the conflict will soon develop into a real scandal.

Try to communicate with your man respectfully and calmly, and you will soon notice that his attitude towards you will also change.

You apologize all the time

Many people think that there is nothing wrong with an apology, but this is not entirely true. A girl constantly apologizes, even when she is not guilty of anything, hides psychological problems. Because of this, many men think they can behave with a woman as they please.

Be honest with your partner and admit your guilt. But if you have not done anything wrong, then you have nothing to apologize for.

You like to play “silent”

Do you think it’s better to remain silent to avoid a quarrel? Perhaps this will help to quickly smooth out the conflict, but only for a while. Psychologists believe that if you do not discuss the problem, it will not disappear anywhere, and the relationship between partners will only worsen.

Find the strength to talk with a man seriously but calmly, no matter how difficult it may be.

You communicate with a man using phrases like “you never,” “you always do that”..

Such things should not be said to a man. The stronger sex regards these phrases as an attack, so the guy is forced to defend himself. Is it possible in such a situation to conduct a constructive dialogue?

Try not to blame the man. Start any phrase from your point of view. Instead of telling your loved one: “You never give me flowers!”, – say: “I am a little offended that you do not show signs of attention. It would be very nice to receive a bouquet from you ”. Thus, you can explain to the man

what you want, but at the same time not attack him.

You are overly obsessed with your expectations

Women always want certain things from their beloved. But they tend to come up with something in their head and then get upset that the man did not live up to their expectations.

To prevent this from happening, always tell your partner what you want from him and your relationship.

Share your thoughts, but do not criticize the chosen one, saying that he did not live up to your expectations. This is the only way everyone can get what they need.

You don’t tell your man what you want

Alas, men cannot read women’s thoughts. Do not make the man guess what you want, but tell him directly about your desires. Do you think he can guess for himself? Then be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait a very, very long time, and you will be disappointed with his shortsightedness, because of which the relationship will only suffer.

Always tell your man about your plans for the future, that you want to get new shoes as a gift, and even what movie you would like to see.

You are not interested in a man’s thoughts

Failure to support a man, listen to his opinion and approve of any idea can ruin any relationship. And let your young man dream of something that seems unreal to you, respect his desire. If you don’t feel like doing this, then think about why you even started dating him or married him.

You are not listening to your partner

The inability to listen to the interlocutor is not only a negative character trait but also a direct threat to the relationship. Learn to listen to the man and don’t interrupt him. Let him get the hang of it, talk about everything on his mind, and only then say what you wanted to say. This tactic will help you avoid many fights.

For a relationship to be long-lasting and happy, both partners must respect and listen to each other.

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