Noiva do Cordeiro: Only city in the world where only women live

Noiva do Cordeiro is popularly known for its female dominance and the only city in the world where only women live. The city’s name means “Bride of the Lamb” and is located in southeast Brazil. With no fewer than 600 women, it is incredibly governed and dominated by pretty ladies.
This small Brazilian town was created by a woman and for women. It has its own rules, its system of organization of work and life. In this city of Amazons, the most ordinary marriages are concluded, children are born. In Noiva do Cordeiro, real matriarchy reigns, and men are allowed here strictly on schedule.
Maria Senhorinha de Lima
More than a hundred years ago, at the end of the 19th century, a resident of Brazil, Maria Senhorinha de LimaLima, was expelled from her own home and then from the city. She and five subsequent generations were even excommunicated from the church. Such a cruel punishment followed the betrayal of her husband. This girl just allowed herself to succumb to feelings and leave the man for whom she was actually forced to marry.
Perhaps this sad event prompted Maria Senhorinha de Lima to think about creating a special place for the fair sex. A place where any woman will find support and understanding, and men’s leadership will remain far beyond the boundaries of this settlement. So in 1891, a tiny town appeared in Brazil, on the hills of the Belo Valley.

Unfortunately, in those early days, women who settled in Noiva do Cordeiro were initially considered representatives of the oldest profession. Their reputation was very dubious, and not only men but also decent women were in no hurry to communicate with them. They were rejected and rejected by society.
Women’s commune
Today more than 600 women live and work in this settlement. They have arranged life as they wish and feel almost comfortable in their female kingdom. In their town, only the fairer sex has the right to dominate.
However, hardly anyone would dare to call these strong and free Amazons weak. They believe that they were able to organize a much better life in their settlement than men. Noiva do Cordeiro seems to the inhabitants much more beautiful and more harmonious than all other cities in the world.

Only once did a measured female settlement come under a male dictatorship. In 1940, the evangelical pastor Anisio Pereira married one of Noiva do Cordeiro’s Amazons. He also became the founder of a church in the city and immediately began to impose the strictest rules for women. For more than 50 years, women were forbidden to listen to music, cut their hair, drink alcohol and even use contraceptives.
After the death of Anisio Pereira, women firmly decided never again to allow a single man to rule the city and, even more so, to their relationship with God. The new Amazon’s town decided: there is God in their hearts, but this does not mean at all that they should obey the priest, get married only in the church and baptize children there. The rules invented by men are absolutely not suitable for girls from Noiva do Cordeiro.

Unauthorized entry
This place is really attractive to women. There is no competition here at all, so everyone feels like one family. Each considers herself obligated to help others and share everything she has. The girls in Noiva do Cordeiro are free and relaxed; they do not need to play many roles and try to attract male attention to themselves in everyday life.
The Amazons living in the city are not at all supporters of same-sex love. Some have husbands and children. However, men can only visit their wives in Noiva do Cordeiro on weekends, just like sons who celebrated their majority. All of them live and work in other cities but come to the city on the days permitted.

On weekdays, all the girls cultivate agricultural land, cook food, arrange impromptu beauty salons and fashion shows for each other, organize holidays and fairs.
This unusual settlement has its pages on social networks, for example, Noiva do Cordeiro WhatsApp group, Noiva do Cordeiro FaceBook, etc., where advertisements for the search for men pop up from time to time. In other ways, girls simply cannot create a normal family. All representatives of the stronger gender with whom they communicate are their relatives. Girls cannot marry the adult sons of married neighbours because all families have long become related.
When inviting men from different countries to meet, the girls immediately note: they are only interested in bachelors who are ready to accept their female rules and adapt to a new lifestyle. However, many men respond to the call to visit this female kingdom. Some out of curiosity, others really hope to meet their fate in Noiva do Cordeiro.

Perhaps every man who has linked his fate with one of the town’s inhabitants will face considerable difficulties. But that is why girls invite young people first to get to know their way of life and only then make more serious decisions.
Of course, these settlements are unique in nature, but women have long proven that they can cope with difficulties just as well as men. History knows many cases when women became quite successful warriors and went down in history.
Cute women
Am read to marry let make contact
Am Single.
So beautiful girl……
Novia do cordeiro…..