What makes a woman doesn’t want to get married? Here are reasons

It is generally accepted that these men do their best to avoid going to the registry office. They value their freedom and fear that any more or less significant relationship will end with a ring on their finger.
Representatives of the stronger sex are often sure that all girls dream of going down the aisle and making them nurse their children together. But today, more and more often, you can meet women who are forcibly dragged into marriage.
7 reasons why women don’t want to get married
Why are they not eager to create an official family?
1. They haven’t met a decent man
And now we are not talking about a fairy-tale prince or a handsome millionaire. It just has to be a man from whom you want to give birth to children, with whom you want to grow old together, whom you want to take care of and with whom it will not be scared to have a family and pets.
With all his appearance and attitude, he should inspire confidence in a woman so that she thinks about marriage.
2. They are busy with their careers
For such women, self-realization and success in work are above everything else. They rightly believe that you need to provide yourself with everything you need so that later you do not feel helpless and dependent on a man.
Careerists often try to make money on their housing and car, not forgetting to save money for a rainy day. And only after realizing in the profession, they begin to think about children and husbands.
3. They don’t want to give birth
One of the main goals of marriage is to have a family and have children. In this case, the stamp protects women from a legal point of view. But not all girls dream of having offspring or giving birth in the near future.
From this point of view, the official registration of relations loses all meaning for them. They can be comfortable with a man in a civil marriage without burdening themselves with obligations. After all, all their needs are already met.
4. They think marriage is a bad idea
This is usually the opinion of women who have seen too many unhappy families and unsuccessful marriages that ended in divorce in their lives.
This could be an example of their parents who suffered, living together for the sake of their children. Or families of relatives and friends, in which there was no love, understanding, respect, and harmony.
Having seen enough of such unions, women decided never to tie the knot to avoid a parallel development of relations.
5. They were already married and know what it is
Women who have been married and have experienced more pain, disappointment, and suffering instead of joy and happiness are unlikely to want to go to the registry office again.
They will avoid new marriage like wildfire. And if a man proposes to them, they will deny and deny to the last, not repeat the bitter experience.
6. They love freedom too much
Yes, not only men value their bachelor status. Some girls feel sick from the thought of obligatory washing, cleaning, and cooking. What if they don’t feel like doing it every day? And if you are not in the mood or have a headache? Maybe they want to sleep and have a good rest, and not do household chores and children.
If they had a family, there would already be a quarrel. Freedom-loving women love to do what they like: attending cultural events, hanging out with friends, going on vacation. And relationships impose on it all an unspoken taboo. It’s hard to break out of a movie even with a child, let alone live the way you used to.
7. They are afraid that feelings in marriage will fade away
Living together kills passion, romance, and novelty. All this disappears somewhere after the stamp in the passport. Quarrels come in their place, which does not add attractiveness to the relationship. As a result, girls begin to miss the old, carefree times when everything was rosy and promising.
They are afraid to be disappointed in a partner, and that feeling will cool down. And this is not at all what they would like. So women think that the absence of a ring on their finger and living together will save them from a similar fate