Where to meet future husbands after 30

It’s sad but true: It’s not easy to meet a man if your route is work-home-work. What about those who dream of a family and do not know where to meet their future husband? Of course, you can sit at home to meet your fate.
But we surveyed a popular women’s community and found out where determined women over 30 met their soulmates.
So, the top 10 options:
Dating sites
Yes, yes, we’re not wrong. The main thing is to approach the question seriously. Let a thousand men write to you, and 999 of them are unsuitable for you; what if one of them is your destiny?
The main thing is to remember Internet safety rules: do not give your home address, credit card number, do not give your passport information, and do not make the first date in an abandoned construction site on a night.
Social dancing
Don’t fall for the “real men don’t dance” provocation. Creative men love music! If this is about you, then look for a man who shares your interests.
Forums on interests
Forums, of course, are not supposed to be a dating format. But if you know everything about houseplants, the movie “Star Trek” or can assemble and disassemble a car better than any mechanic, do not be afraid to communicate with like-minded people. Maybe it is in the topic “How to water an orchid?” will your future husband answer you?
Places where men gather
Just don’t laugh. A shooting gallery, a robotics show, or a pool club is likely to be full of men. If your goal is dating and starting a family, don’t waste a free evening showing off the ladies’ toilets. There are likely to be only women there. An informal phrase will help you start dating, but you need to find where it will be heard before you say it.
A second higher education
You won’t believe it, but the university has proven to be a popular dating destination for people past 30 as well. Your college years are behind you, but you can find the company of your classmates in both continuing education courses and English school. Either way, you’ll have a great time! If you can’t find a husband, learn Chinese. There’s no telling what’s better.
Social media
“I looked around to see if he liked what I liked,” This is sometimes an excellent opportunity to make an acquaintance. Going back to option 3, look at topic groups. You can get a preliminary idea of the person from his social media profile. If he’s not in a “pickup for beginners,” “I’m a gigolo, and I’m proud of it” group, and his priorities include “family and kids,” maybe he’s the one you’re looking for.
Mutual friends
Feel free to ask your acquaintances! Maybe your best friend’s third cousin is single. Or a coworker has an acquaintance who has no one to go to the new music concert with? You don’t have to grab a former classmate at a reunion by the lapels of his jacket and pester him with the question, “Didn’t your friend get married? I’m looking for a husband!” But to ask a loved one to help you find a company to go to the movies or the theatre – no shame and not afraid! The main thing is to dare.
Old friends
The guy who always sat in the back row cheated off your math and rocked out in his chair could turn into an interesting man. Don’t dismiss old acquaintances. Look at old friends in a new way. And don’t be lazy to go to a reunion. Many of them will surprise you.
If your firm doesn’t strictly sanction those, who decide to have coffee together, invite a cute colleague to discuss the new movie or the new album by your favourite band—anything but work (so he doesn’t think you’re having a symposium).
Many people aren’t ready to work with their husbands on the same team. But problems can be solved as they arise. One date does not require you to immediately put the director’s resignation statement on the table, especially if you invite the director himself.
Okay, if you don’t feel like it, don’t go out. There is nothing more attractive than a wall and a chair. And you don’t have to dance at all, shoot at a shooting range, register on a forum if you’re not interested!
One of the happy brides from that sorority married a man who called his mom and just got the wrong number. No one has cancelled out the little miracle, right?
Most importantly, don’t forget that you are beautiful, unique, attractive to others, and yourself, no matter how soon one of these ways works. And it’s bound to work.
Am from Kenya am looking for a serious relationship single girl