10 phrases to avoid so as not to ruin a relationship

In a relationship, anything can happen, but you need to remember that any careless word can lead to the saddest consequences. In a fit of emotion, you can say too much, which you then have to regret.

10 phrases that can ruin a relationship

It is better to refrain from them, even if you are very offended and want to prick your soul mate.

1. “Who needs (wants) you!”

It often happens that one of the partners overestimates his importance and does not value the others. He is good, and the best, and his significant other is always wrong. The classic phrase “Who needs you (wants you)!” It is used, which can deeply hurt a partner.

It is possible that after such words, he will want to prove the opposite and find in this big world someone who will appreciate him. And your relationship will end.

2. “I never loved you!”

Love is a strong, exciting feeling that, unfortunately, can quickly pass, but this does not mean that it never was. Both are often to blame because love is gone, but it did not exist is fundamentally wrong.

3. “It would be better if we never met!”

But we have met, and the past cannot be changed. You should not regret what happened and blame your soul mate for all your failures. At the beginning of a relationship, all couples are happy and happy to have met. The fact that the relationship deteriorated over time is the fault of two, not just one.

4. “You are far from me!”

Amid an argument, it is often tempting to say that your partner is not worthy of you. But remember: in a love relationship, men and women are equal. By overestimating yourself, you downplay the importance of your other half, which can significantly offend her up to the end of the relationship.

5. “When the children grow up, I’ll leave you!”

You cannot know what the future holds. Throwing away the phrase about leaving, you destroy the relationship in the present. Worst of all, if children become witnesses of this quarrel, they begin to consider themselves guilty of what is happening.

If you are sure that you will not live under the same roof with this person in the future, talk to him about it privately. Explain the reasons why you no longer want to stay in the relationship.

6. “You are the same as your relatives!”

Everyone may not be lucky with relatives, but this is not a reason to mention her at every opportunity. Your partner is not responsible for the actions of others, be it friends or family.

7. “I’m not lucky with you!”

This phrase undermines a person’s self-esteem. At this moment, he feels worthless, and who will like it?

8. “You can not do it!”

These words also hurt self-esteem because you question the abilities of your soulmate. Your partner needs support and understanding but instead gets hit in the gut.

9. “I can live without you!”

It turns out that you do not appreciate the person next to you at all, and he understands this. Nobody wants to be an “empty place.” If you hurt your partner’s pride, don’t be surprised if he packs up his things and slams the door.

10. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”

Figure and appearance are favourite topics for ridicule and discussion, especially in the heat of an argument. The desire to prick your partner can be very significant, but you are not without flaws either.

Remember this before driving a person into complexes that he may not be able to cope with later. And then: was it worth it for so long to build relationships to destroy them in one moment? One phrase may be enough to cross out all the good things that happened between you.

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