Lying in a relationship: when is it not scary to lie?

The relationship between a man and a woman requires delicacy. Every young girl knows little tricks that she uses from time to time to avoid unnecessary conflict situations. Naturally, lying is not welcome. If a person is hiding something from the other half, then the situation will only worsen in the future. But sometimes, problems arise when you need to keep silent or embellish a little. What are these situations?
A lie to save you? Cases when lying is useful
Anyone is prone to deception. Young people often resort to small lies to please and impress. Both men and women are prone to this behavior. Men lie mainly to present themselves in a favorable light, but the female part of the population resorts to such a trick to make the interlocutor more pleasant.
According to statistics, young women lie much more often than men. The lie works as a defense mechanism. Sometimes girls take advantage of the situation and lie a little to their partner. In what situations should a young lady behave competently and lie to prevent unnecessary trouble?
When a man wants to know how important he is to a woman
In a relationship, partners tend to ask each other questions. The topics of conversation of lovers can be varied. One of the most popular questions of the second half sounds like this: “Did you feel as good with someone as you do with me now?” It doesn’t matter what the essence of the question is. It can be an interest in s*x life or a trip out of town together.
A girl should always answer these interrogative sentences with a share of delight and admiration. It may sound like this: “What are you, of course not! The best moments happened to me only when you were around. “The answer may sound more modest. It is always important for a man to understand that the girl next to him feels comfortable and protected.
The more often you compliment a man, the more actively he will show attention and care. The most important thing is to observe the measure. You should not praise a young man from head to toe and constantly admire him. A girl should not be ashamed of her partner, openly hinting at some shortcomings delicately.
When to support a man’s self-esteem
Every person has setbacks in life. Nobody is immune to failure. It is sometimes difficult for a man to admit that something is not working out for him in life, even if he considers himself a failure. The main task of a young lady is to become a support and support.
Even though a man may be wrong in many ways and makes apparent mistakes, you need to cheat and praise him in any case. No person likes criticism. It is important to correctly convey to the partner his errors while emphasizing his visible merits.
A young man always strives to look like a kind of ideal in the eyes of his girlfriend. Girls need to be delicate at all times. You should never lower and humiliate your partner. Any person is hurt by such painful statements, especially from a dear and beloved, whose opinion is very important.
In situations where you need to keep a secret
One of the key qualities of any person is the ability to keep other people’s secrets. In relationships, this formula works great. Even though the beloved person is the closest and dearest, you still don’t need to tell him all your secrets. Every girl should have a riddle.
Mainly do not discuss with your partner the information that the girl received from his close friends. If someone decides to share his secret, let it remain a secret between the interlocutors.
When your expectations are not fully met
Time spent together is precious minutes for every person in love. For today’s youth, just lying around watching a TV series is unheard of luxury. There is an opportunity to hug, kiss, and eat a portion of your favorite food. If a guy offers to spend time together, then the girl must certainly reciprocate.
This is an opportunity to be alone and share common interests. You should never reject the offers of a loved one so as not to offend. And even if the joint activity proposed by your partner does not bring the proper pleasure, sometimes it is better to remain silent.
When you need to restrain negative emotions when it comes to assessing the loved ones of the beloved
Another situation in which it is worth keeping silent or holding back emotions is the topic of family relationships. Quarrels can often arise between young people because of the rejection of their parents, both on the part of the girl and on the part of the guy. Of course, it is not necessary for a girl to bow to her mother-in-law, but it is also not worth treating the boy’s parents without due respect.
Any guy will not like a girl’s dismissive attitude towards his family. If friendship with future relatives does not work out, then it is better to minimize contact. The girl should not show negative feelings towards the loved ones of her beloved.
On the contrary, every intelligent woman should show respect and patience to older people, and it is not a sin to lie that she liked his parents. You can not accept a person you do not like, but you need to do it secretly and silently.
To maintain a partner’s confidence in intimate life
If we talk about s*xual relations between partners, then this is the case when a girl resorts to deception and does it regularly. Despite love, tenderness, and sincere feelings, not every woman gets one hundred percent pleasure, and a man should not know about it. The best thing is to keep quiet.
If intimacy did not bring the proper pleasure, you could try to hint to a man about it, but reproaches are not appropriate here. Do not forget that the topic of s*x is very painful for many men. Let the young man think that he is the best bed partner; this will motivate him to improve the art of love.
When there is a desire to “be a child”
Sometimes young people like to fantasize. Any person tends to dream, and girls are pretty emotional persons, so this behaviour suits them. It is simply impossible not to exaggerate, so to speak, for a catchphrase. But do not hang in the clouds for a long time because the world is real, and the loved one, which is nearby, is also.
The competent behaviour of a young girl will only strengthen the love union. Men in a relationship appreciate sincere feelings, but if the situation requires, then sometimes you can lie. There is nothing wrong with using little feminine tricks for good.