What happens to your body after quitting coffee for a month: 10 unexpected consequences

First of all, it should be said that no one is forcing you to quit drinking coffee. Moreover, the habit of drinking coffee can even be beneficial.

But if you feel like you are consuming too much caffeine and want to cut it off, it is helpful to know what to expect.

Billions of people around the world drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages every day.

While caffeine is considered safe when consumed in moderation, there is also evidence to quit the habit and stop drinking coffee, energy drinks, sodas, and more.

So what awaits you when you quit coffee?

The consequences of not drinking coffee

1. You may lose weight

Did you know that your coffee habit can affect your waistline?

Scientists from Duke University have found that daily caffeine consumption in coffee, tea, and soda increases blood sugar levels by 10 percent.

Even if you ditch sweets and fats, the cream and sugar in coffee can increase the calorie content of the drink by up to 200 calories.

If you completely cut out the sugar in your drink, you can immediately cut down on the number of calories per day.

2. You may gain weight

On the other hand, skipping coffee in the morning can help you eat more.

Coffee is known to suppress appetite, so you may find yourself looking for fatty and sugary snacks more often as soon as you stop drinking coffee every day.

This is especially true for those who are addicted to coffee. When you stop caffeine, your body looks for a quick fix, and you reach for sweets, which raises your blood sugar and calories.

3. You will sleep better

Although you will feel fatigued as your body adapts to life without habitual stimulants, you will sleep better over time as soon as you start living without caffeine, mainly if you are used to drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine confirmed that taking caffeine 6 hours before bedtime can disrupt a person’s sleep cycle.

4. You will get headaches more often

Any coffee fan will recognize the signs of the hated caffeine headache that comes when you don’t get your usual dose of coffee in the morning.

When you stop drinking coffee, you deprive your body of adrenaline and dopamine, hormones that are natural stimulants that keep you awake.

Instead, they are replaced by adenosine, a hormone responsible for rest and fatigue. The chemistry of the brain changes, leading to headaches.

To prevent headaches, do not try to give up coffee abruptly. Instead, cut back on your coffee a little every 2-3 days.

Drink only half a cup, then swap coffee for tea, and even try mixing regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee. This will help you avoid withdrawal symptoms

and help you get rid of your caffeine addiction more quickly.

5. You can get sick (but not for long)

Headaches aren’t the only symptom of coffee withdrawal.

Those who stop consuming the drink reported side effects such as depression, anxiety, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, and lethargy.

Of the advantages, it can be noted that this state will not last long.

Experts say most physical symptoms should go away in 2 days, and the remaining side effects shouldn’t last longer than 1-2 weeks.

6. A beautiful smile

Coffee is highly acidic, destroying tooth enamel, and the tannins in coffee stain teeth with every sip.

By reducing your caffeine intake, you can protect your teeth from decay, resulting in a whiter, confident smile.

7. You will lack antioxidants

Coffee is one of the primary sources of antioxidants.

Numerous studies have found that drinking more than 3 cups of coffee a day can reduce your risk of many diseases, from cancer to Parkinson’s disease, while promoting bone health.

Unfortunately, by giving up coffee, you will deprive yourself and many of the beneficial properties of this drink. Luckily, you can replenish your antioxidant supply with tea, fruits, and vegetables.

8. It will be difficult for you to concentrate

Fatigue and irritability are two side effects of a caffeine-free regimen that can also lead to poor concentration.

Some people note that after giving up coffee, their productivity also decreased. This is due to the lack of stimulants that we get from our daily dose of coffee and the increase in the level of adenosine, which causes fatigue.

To counteract the loss of concentration, try chewing peppermint gum so that your brain is not distracted.

Plus, after a week of stopping coffee, you’ll find that your productivity is better as you no longer experience the inevitable afternoon fatigue after your morning coffee.

9. You may suffer from constipation

Caffeine speeds up bowel movements, leading to stool retention when you stop drinking your morning coffee out of habit.

But fear not, as there are many ways to get regular emptying.

Eat more fibre (in whole grains, vegetables, legumes), drink more water, and exercise regularly.

Your digestive system will be grateful to you.

10. You will become calmer

Since caffeine is a stimulant, it naturally increases adrenaline and stress hormones in the body.

If too much caffeine is causing you nervousness or other unpleasant symptoms, it may be worth skipping coffee.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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