What kind of woman drives any man crazy?

Stereotypes about ideal men and ideal women have long been firmly embedded in our heads. Girls, as a rule, dream of a prince on a white horse, that is, a white Lamborghini. The ideal man is handsome, successful, wealthy, smart and flawless. He behaves nobly with his chosen one, never stoops too low deeds and can solve any problem. But what about the ideal woman?

Ideal woman: what kind of wife do all guys dream of?

The degree of ideality, scientifically speaking, is determined by one or another set of qualities. Men, as, in fact, women, have long made their own “composite” of the perfect couple. Probably, any girl (even if she does not admit it directly) secretly dreams of a family.

Pictures of happy family life, children, safety and comfort periodically flash in our heads. But marriage is not an end in itself. And it’s not at all about the formal stamp in the passport. First, let’s say a few words about the position of women.

The ideal man: what is he?

Women dream of very specific men. So, our ideal is a guy with money, generous and intelligent, and indeed a handsome person. We are waiting for the ideal – a worthy, noble, patient man who will not kiss a bottle, waste money on gambling and smoke. Bad habits, ex-wives, alimony and constant quarrels with the mother-in-law are not the option that we “play” in our head. But as they say, dreaming is not harmful.

Why is the ideal so hard to find?

First of all, you should ask yourself: do I have any reason to hope for a meeting with just such a man? Life and time are powerful tools that always dot the i’s. Gradually, everything falls into place. Yes, you need to come to terms with the fact that there are simply no 100% ideal people! And if you decide to wait for a prince (and a man for a princess), you need to understand: you may not wait for your ideal.

Disappointment after disappointment, betrayal after betrayal – over time, it becomes more and more difficult for us to believe in the happy outcome of the next relationship. What can we say? We are afraid to let people near us because they can bring pain. Because in most cases, this is exactly what happens.

This is a matter of commonplace human psychology. To get a good job, for example, you need to fit that job. So it is with relationships. At some point, all women realize: you need to think about your ideal and whether she fits this bar? Is it too high?

Maybe you should either reconsider your qualities and attitude towards life or change the requirements for candidates? Women have a strange certainty: a man owes them, and not they owes a man. That is, they do not think about what they can offer to the chosen ones, but they want them to put the whole world at their feet. However, there are types of women that are desirable for any man!

Tip: if you recognize yourself in this description, then we have useful information. Relax, sit back and ask yourself the question: “Am I the man I want to see as my husband?” – and analyze yourself. As a rule, there is a “silent pause” here. It is difficult for us to assess ourselves adequately. And that’s okay. Because we conclude ourselves based on assessments from outside – from other people. This is called identification. However, if you want to improve your personal life, you need to do introspection.
Most importantly, refrain from answering, “Yes, I do not match such a man. But what’s the difference? I will hope for luck ”- this would be an apparent mistake. But this is how most often all reflections end!

Beautiful and s*xy woman

Model looks and figure, like from the cover of Vogue – this is how we usually imagine a “beautiful and s*xy” girl. At least this image is automatically drawn when we hear these words. But it’s time to destroy the myths! Our heads are mired in stereotypes. So what is really beautiful and s*xy woman?

The point of view of a man: a man considers beautiful and sexy girls who take care of themselves, have a well-groomed appearance, can look dignified in any society and which he will gladly introduce to his friends. Men admire such girls. They are always welcome. Reference figure, 90-60-90. And what is necessary then? Here are our findings:

  • self-love;
  • taking care of your appearance and health;
  • knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

Women who men like know how to emphasize their advantages and skillfully hide their shortcomings. At the same time, any girl can become like that! Enough just a healthy lifestyle, consultations with a psychologist and, possibly, a dance club.

Wise woman

What is female wisdom? Sage women know how to find happiness in everyday life

and accept other people as they are. Men will close their eyes a lot if a woman knows about his shortcomings but does not concentrate on them.

Such a woman will appreciate her chosen one for who he is: for the qualities of his character, for his view of the world, for experience, for achievements and successes.

A man’s perspective: Wisdom is a gift that gives us time. A wise woman is an experienced woman who has experienced a lot in her life. Therefore, a man always respects such girls for these qualities. But the wiser a girl is, the harder it is for her to feel happy.

Generous woman

A woman who is ready for anything is especially appreciated by men. Family life is a challenge for women because for too long patriarchal stereotypes dominated society. And the girls were exploited. Most women say that men are capricious children who need to be constantly taken care of, interested in their mood, feelings and, of course, to fulfill any desires and whims. Women serve their husbands, prepare food, and show concern.

However, what is the purpose of women, then? Yes, there is a particular self-interest here: they expect a man to be under their thumb.

A man’s point of view: Women are now more self-serving. It is rare to find a girl who is generous without a second thought. Men appreciate women who give love just like that. But it’s worth adding: you cannot give forever and receive nothing in return. Even if a kind, warm woman, content with little, is a guy’s dream. The external background does not influence such girls: they always rejoice at the opportunity to take care of their family.

Light woman

Men are not such easy creatures who live in this world. In their opinion, first of all. They provide for the family, competing at work – just a small list of what worries them. Such a life requires tremendous stress. The weight that men constantly carry within themselves must be balanced with something.

The guys are looking for “compensation” for nervous work, of course, in the family. And, above all, in the ease of character of his wife.

A man’s point of view: after a hard and nervous day at work, you want to relax and meet a joyful, smiling face at home. If a woman jokes, cheers, then immediately, the mood will rise. By the way, they are not born with a straightforward character. This is an experience. And this quality can be developed. For example, you can stop shifting responsibility for your state to environmental factors. And, of course, you should not neglect the services of a psychologist.

Smart and developed woman

Mind is a quality that is appreciated in all ages—wisdom and intelligence help strengthen marriage and find interest in each other. If the man is the primary source of income in the family, then the wife is responsible for raising the children. And only a well-educated girl can handle it.

The point of view of a man: the “stronger s*x” always tries to choose the chosen one to match. It works subconsciously: with a strong, intelligent and wise woman, men will succeed in life. There is, however, one “but”: men do not like women who too demonstrate their intelligence and intellectual abilities.

A woman capable of respect

Moreover, respect not only for oneself but also for the people around. And especially for men. But here’s the trouble: over time, respect turns into a scarce commodity. So things are getting worse and worse.

Men need to be more and more careful in what they say and do. Any careless action or a thoughtlessly thrown phrase – and a woman will undoubtedly withdraw into herself. She will stop loving and respecting her husband. And this situation creates stress and tension in the relationship.

A man’s point of view: interesting and self-sufficient men are looking for the same women similar to themselves.

A woman with the right values

What are the correct values? Of course, each person has his world, worldview, upbringing. However, when we talk about relationships, men pay attention to the following:

  • classical education;
  • easy outlook on life;
  • patient attitude towards everyday life;
  • a positive assessment of marriage and children.

Yes, each person is unique, and our attitude to life should be appreciated for individuality and peculiarity. But what is the main problem? As a rule, people with no experience in relationships do not talk about values. And then, when the ship is already afloat, it turns out that the partners’ views on life are directly opposite.

And this will certainly provoke quarrels and misunderstandings. This is the very reason why most marriages fall apart. Yes, it isn’t easy to prepare in advance for this. What can save the situation? The answer is simple: love.

A man’s point of view: marriage can (and should) be built not on how you are different but on what you have in common. What does a man most often look for? A good and faithful wife, caring, happy to be a mother and, of course, the keeper of the hearth.

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