Why do men abandon women

The relationship between the s^xes is a mystery and involves specific difficulties. Most women mistakenly consider male psychology to be primitive, often trying to understand why men abandon women.

Although relationships work, and often huge, proud and stubborn women make many mistakes. Often, men behave with restraint and do not talk about the motives that prompted the decision to part; the maximum of them is the phrase: “I’m sorry, we are not suitable for each other.”

Suppose your natural curiosity is not satisfied, and you want to know the valid reason for the separation to avoid future mistakes. In that case, we recommend that you discuss the situation with a psychologist and understand what happened. In general, the reasons why men abandon women are different. Let’s dwell on the main ones.

Main reasons why men abandon women

Idealization of partners

The dominant mistake is idealizing each other and wanting to appear better. At the beginning of a relationship, idealization is necessary; it is an impetus for contact, a trigger for a relationship to arise. What happens next? The partner is not 100% capable of consistently meeting the expectations of the other. Every idealization leads inevitably to disappointment.

For example, by her type of behaviour, a woman-child chooses a companion who fulfils her paternal role. If a partner needs to take care of a soul mate, then such a couple is, in a sense, ideal. But in most cases, the constantly giving partner gets tired of it.

The desire to constantly care is exhausted, and the decision is made to eliminate the relationship. Leaving a man is regarded as a bad act like he left the woman, but he could not do otherwise. Both partners are equally responsible for the relationship; this must not be forgotten.

Distrust of women

If you learn to notice your mistakes, accept them, try to solve problems together, then the relationship can give happiness; if not, the mental trauma of the feminine is guaranteed. Women, without realizing, themselves create situations when men want to leave them.

This is also because, in childhood, mothers did not teach boys how to maintain healthy relationships between the s3xes.

The problem of gender relations is more acute today than ever. It will be interesting for women to know that the peculiarity of male psychology lies in a subconscious distrust of women.

Who is in charge of the house

Note that a man is only afraid of attractive women, whom, no matter how much he desires, he tries to keep in subjection. Elderly feminines, on the other hand, are treated with respect. Male fear is hidden in the excessive exaltation of feminines and a disdainful attitude towards them.

This explains why a man keeps the weaker s3x in obedience since he is intimately dependent on a woman. Factors of a psychogenic nature related to men are at the heart of the power struggle between the s3xes.

The distant stalker

Representatives of the two s3xes often do not understand each other’s feelings in the least. Men usually try to distance themselves emotionally from relationships, while women, on the contrary, passionately strive for them.

It is common for men to hide their feelings from everyone and stay safe since they are wary of serious relationships. The strong half avoids obligations, dependence, considering it painful due to selfishness and fear.

At first, men play the role of a persecutor, but this is only to seduce a woman. Noticing the intensity and swiftness of the development of relations, men attempt to distance themselves. Their retreat makes women be active and start pursuing the desired partner.

The woman is driven by the fear of breaking up the relationship, the man, feeling the pressure, withdraws even the desire

The desire for independence and freedom

Why do men leave women after all? This arises because the scenario for the development of relationships is dictated from childhood. The men are afraid of losing masculinity and independence. It is often difficult for mothers to allow their sons to be independent, and as a result, they move away from them, feeling guilty.

In the future, men will immediately avoid relationships if the young lady turns out to be more than demanding, begins to develop a sense of guilt in him because he does not want to satisfy her needs, does not meet her needs and ideals.

A male distance goes away from obligations; for his independence and freedom are more important. These are the highest values. For the woman of the persecutor, close relationships are the highest values.

For this reason, a man abandons a woman without explanation; there is so much of her in a man’s life that the male psyche cannot withstand such pressure. The same reason is often connected with the fact that men abandon pregnant women and women with children.

Misunderstanding of women

The main claims of the men to the feminine are expressed in the fact that a woman, saying “no”, means “yes”. It is difficult for men to understand when “no” is no and then yes. They do not like stupid conversations, avoid controversial situations. They live by reason, ignoring feelings. For the men, women are immensely demanding and emotional.

Women firmly surround their halves with care, leaving them no free space. The weaker half is constantly offended and falls silent, believing that men are obliged to figure out the reason for the offence independently.

And if men are inert and do not want to notice women’s whims, women are even more offended, believing that they are not loved. The beautiful half tirelessly wants to talk about relationships; men are annoyed.

The women classify men as “cold”, who do not want to form a strong bond, who are indifferent to their feelings. The men often say “yes” to be left behind, and mean “no”.

Uninteresting woman

Gradually, a man begins to realize that she is bored in a relationship. It doesn’t matter what: in s3x or conversations. If a man is looking for a long-term relationship, he will stay for longer next to an intelligent lady so that there is someone to talk to, and it would be good in bed.

A young lady interested in TV shows and women’s gossip, he doesn’t need anything. Hence the conclusion: a woman should constantly increase her IQ, develop as a person, be a little bit of an actress, relaxed in bed. Tightness in intimacy will force you to look for a replacement on the side; excessive activity will force you to contemplate, and not whether someone else is familiar with the bedding talents of his woman.

Unyielding characters

If everything seems fine, but scandals are brewing from scratch, no one compromises, there is only one way out – parting. By nature, a leader is a man, two leaders in a relationship cannot get along, which means that a woman will have to give in if she wants to continue the relationship.

You should not harbour illusions that a man will not find another; it is very easy because the demographic situation is in his favour.

Changes in appearance

For a man, a woman’s appearance plays an important role, and if he met an elegant girl, it is advisable to remain that way after years and not turn into something shapeless with huge buttocks.

Men will not withstand purely psychologically such transformations in the female body and will lose interest in a woman. Of course, some are delighted with doughnuts, but they initially prefer such in their choice.

The desire to marry a man

The mistake of many women is the explicit desire to marry a man. Some are so fixated on their idea that they are even ready to get pregnant.

If the partner wants this, he; if married, if not, then such girlfriend’s actions will only frighten him away. Airborne marriage is often not durable.

Female infidelity

Men will forgive much except for treason. If it so happened that the betrayal happened, and the man found out, then you should be prepared that he will decide about parting, and justification will not help here. If the relationship does not suit you, it is more expedient to say this before the scandal.

Woman earns more

If a woman begins to earn more, it becomes difficult for her to resist not reproaching her soul mate for this. The partner in such a relationship is psychologically uncomfortable.

Conversations aimed at discussing this topic will not contribute to strengthening the relationship. If a man’s income is average, he will start looking for another woman. Hence the conclusion, earning more, become wise and think before you say anything.

Excess care

The main claim of feminines to men is that they are selfish. The beautiful half strive to give everything that they have (unlimited care, attention, love, etc.), making the partner feel guilty at the same time.

A man is not comfortable being in such a relationship, and he decides to leave, often without even explaining the reasons that prompted such action.

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