Top 10+ morning bad habits you should ditch

It could be a hassle to get up every morning, but to shake off the tiredness, we initiate a habit that may harm our health and surroundings. Overview of the things you should avoid doing in the morning.
A typical morning for many looks like this:
- You hardly woke up after the “nth” number of alarm clock rings.
- On the way, we drank a cup of coffee and, at best, ate a bun or a sandwich.
- In a hurry, we brushed our teeth.
- Get dressed (well, if ironed in advance).
We galloped to work because you no longer have time for a leisurely walk to the stop.
The result of such a morning awaits you in the evening:
- Dirty dishes left over after breakfast (and possibly after dinner).
- Crumpled and unmade bed.
- The garbage bag that you promised yourself to take out in the morning.
- Bad mood, because no one cancelled cleaning in the house, despite the work schedule and the rapid pace of modern life.
But it is the morning that “sets the tone” and the mood for the whole day. Let’s talk about what bad habits prevent you from making the morning as productive and positive as possible.
1. Delayed start
Few people can boast that they wake up at the first “demand” of the alarm clock. Feeling sorry for our loved ones, we often program an alarm clock for a second call in the evening.
But such a trick does not carry anything positive: inopportune 5-10 minutes spent in bed will not help you sleep and cheer up, but the precious morning time will be stolen, turning further fees into a rush.
Not convinced?
Then simple math will help us: postponing the morning rise by 10 minutes every day, we sleep about 61 hours a year, which is 2.5 days. If a day we sleep 30 minutes longer than planned, then we deprive ourselves of 180 hours (or 7.5 days) of precious time!
- Develop a sleep pattern: go to bed and wake up simultaneously, taking into account the well-known fact that you need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.
- On weekends, it is ideal for sticking to a sleep schedule that matches workdays. If you find it difficult to follow such a schedule, you should not sleep on your day off before lunch: it is better to wake up an hour (maximum two) later than usual.
- Place the alarm clock not on the bedside table but the table. Then, to turn it off, you will have to get out of bed and make a small march to the table, which will help you wake up.
2. A sharp rise
Jumping abruptly out of bed when the alarm rings, you run the risk of acquiring a whole bunch of health problems, namely:
- Pressure drops.
- Violation of the heartbeat.
- Dizziness.
- Darkening in the eyes.
- Back and spine pain.
- Violation of the blood supply to the brain.
In addition, a rapid rise (especially if your alarm makes loud and harsh sounds) provokes an increase in the level of stress hormones, which is fraught with irritability and even aggression.
Tips for a smooth wake up:
- After the alarm rings, open your eyes and take a look around the area.
- Slowly pull yourself up while still lying in bed: pull the socks towards you as you inhale and away from you as you exhale.
- Please note that it is not recommended to bask in bed for more than two minutes after waking up; otherwise, you can return to sleep again.
All of these tips will work, provided that your alarm ringtone does not mimic a fire siren.
Experts recommend choosing a melody for the alarm clock, the rhythm and volume increasing as it sounds. During this time, you will have time to implement the advice given earlier.
The alarm clock mustn’t annoy you: loud and harsh sounds will help you wake up quickly, but a bad mood is also guaranteed to you.
In addition, keep in mind that your loved ones, if they do not wake up with you simultaneously, will hardly like the loud ringing of the alarm clock.
3. Internet addiction
If barely opening your eyes and not having time to fully wake up, you are viewing feeds in social networks; if you start your morning not with a shower, but with reading the news and checking e-mail, and all these actions are in no way connected with your work activity, congratulations! You have an Internet addiction!
Such morning enthusiasm for someone else’s life has negative consequences:
- You spend at least 5-7 minutes monitoring internet news and social media instead of making yourself a delicious breakfast, making your bed, or washing the dishes after breakfast.
- News does not always carry a positive in itself, so be prepared for the fact that in the morning, you will come across unpleasant information that can darken the whole day, cause you anxiety, fear, nervousness.
- If you are “sitting” in social networks at breakfast, then you cease to control the amount of food eaten and the time spent for breakfast. And this is fraught with weight gain and being late for work.
What to do?
Show willpower and don’t go online in the morning (you can do this on your way to work). It will not be easy to develop such a habit (scientists say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but practice shows that this requires at least 45-60 days).
Spend the won time talking with loved ones at breakfast or useful activities.
4. Waking in the dark
Natural light starts our internal biological clock and signals that it is time to wake up and be active.
Getting up in the morning with curtains or blinds tightly closed will prevent you from waking up, as the body will perceive the darkness as an extension of the night.
Conclusion: when you wake up, let the sunlight into your home!
5, Made bed
Unexpected, right?
The thing is, those dust mites that live in bedding reproduce well in a warm and humid environment. So, up to one and a half million ticks can be concentrated on one bed, provoking allergic reactions, asthma, and other diseases of the respiratory system in humans.
But what about cleanliness and order, you ask? After all, an unmade bed, crumpled after sleep, looks, at least not aesthetically pleasing.
There is an exit! When you wake up, do not rush to make the bed. Better to provide access to natural sunlight and fresh air in the bedroom since these conditions are detrimental to dust mites.
It is better to make the bed just before leaving the house.
6. Intense physical activity
Doctors and nutritionists recommend refusing intense physical activity in the morning on an empty stomach, even though they are the key to increased breakdown and burning of fats and accelerated metabolism.
Firstly, getting rid of extra pounds on an empty stomach harms the cardiovascular system.
Secondly, the rapid burning of fat will lead to the fact that the body will store this very fat for the future, remembering hunger, and subsequently regulate metabolism, taking into account the compensation of the loss. As a result, the first workouts on an empty stomach will bring good results, but you will stop losing weight over time.
However, there is a way out: fifteen-minute morning exercises will give energy and vigour, strengthen blood vessels and bones, speed up metabolism and relieve stress.
7. Refusal to shower
The morning shower invigorates, tones saturate the skin with water and oxygen, activates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, fights cellulite and varicose veins.
In addition, a cool shower promotes the production of happiness hormones, thereby reducing the manifestation of stress, depression, and anxiety.
However, it is important to remember that a cool or contrast shower has such properties.
But hot water promotes lethargy and drowsiness, dries the skin, and can cause colds, especially if you spend hot water procedures in the cold season before going outside.
The best option is a contrast shower, which is recommended to start with warm water, followed by a 15-second cold shower, and then again a warm one (the number of approaches is adjusted considering individual preferences and capabilities).
8. Brushing your teeth after eating
From childhood, we were taught that after having breakfast, it is necessary to brush our teeth to remove food particles that accumulate in the interdental space and provoke the development of caries.
However, scientific research has shown that brushing your teeth immediately after eating will thin your tooth enamel, especially if you have consumed foods and drinks that contain acids.
In addition, brushing your teeth before meals prevents bacteria that have accumulated overnight in the mouth from entering the esophagus with food.
What to do in such a situation?
We clean our teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste before meals, and after eating, we use a mouthwash.
9. Cancellation of breakfast
Breakfast is considered to be the basis of the daily diet for several reasons:
- Energizes.
- Increases efficiency and attention by 30%.
- Prevents overheating because the body, which has not received energy at breakfast, will have to replenish it during a lunch meal.
Many do not eat breakfast, arguing that in the morning, they have no appetite. For it to appear, it is recommended to have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime.
Advice! Nutritionists recommend having breakfast 30 minutes after waking up (this time is enough for the body to start all vital processes and start working full strength).
10. Sweet for breakfast
A tasty cake or a French croissant is a delicious but far from ideal breakfast.
Simple carbohydrates, present in large quantities in sweets, dramatically increase blood glucose levels, making you instantly feel full. But very quickly, hunger replaces satiety, which we often satisfy again with a sweet snack or fast food, especially if we are at work.
Such a vicious circle leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, and excess weight.
Advice! Have breakfast with the following healthy foods:
- Soft-boiled eggs.
- Granular cottage cheese, the fat content of which should not exceed 9%.
- Baked fish.
- Omelet with cheese or ham.
- Sliced turkey with bran bread.
- Unsweetened yogurt without additives.
- Bananas.
- Dried fruits.
But nutritionists still recommend refusing cereal breakfasts since they contain a large amount of sugar.
11. Coffee with a cigarette on an empty stomach
This habit without a twinge of conscience can be called the most harmful, regardless of the day.
It has long been proven that coffee on an empty stomach directly leads to stomach ulcers and gastritis. And in combination with a cigarette – to an increase in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and cardiovascular pathologies.
In general, experts recommend drinking coffee during an afternoon snack since, by this time, the body has time to waste a significant part of the energy received at breakfast and, therefore, needs a new portion of it.
If the morning is not a joy for you without coffee, drink it after having breakfast.
Advice! On an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink not coffee, but a glass of warm water, into which you can add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon or a teaspoon of honey. This drink tones invigorates, improves digestion, and speeds up metabolism.
12. Choose clothes
In the morning we often get together in a hurry, so we don’t need another problem in the form of a wrinkled shirt or a torn skirt.
To keep the morning calm and measured, prepare clothes in the evening, taking into account the weather forecast.
If you are a changeable nature, prepare two sets of clothes, and in the morning, choose the one that suits the weather and your mood.
13. Negative attitude
Remember that thoughts are materializing, and tune in to the positive.
Learn to perceive difficulties and troubles as a challenge, treat them with a grain of humor and self-irony. And of course, think positively! How to do it? Let’s take a look at a simple example.
Negative Thinking: What a difficult and difficult day today; how can I get through it faster?
Positive thinking: Today, I will have many difficult but interesting tasks that I will cope with!
We hope that our advice will help you fill your every morning with energy and positive emotions!